Halloween Countdown, Day 13

Oct 13, 2013 07:05

It's list time again! Here are my picks for the spooky podcasts you don't want to miss this Halloween.

In no particular order...

* Welcome to Night Vale: This is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, ( Read more... )

podcasts, halloween, narrations

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eldritchhobbit October 13 2013, 15:54:42 UTC
It's fantastic! I'm almost caught up with you. When they bring out the book of transcripts, it must be mine. ;)

My favorite proverb is: "What walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 at midday, and 3 in the evening? I don't know, but I just caught one in my room and it is horrifying!"

*cackles* Brilliant.


equusentric October 13 2013, 13:30:29 UTC
Oh, wow, what an awesome post! I like to listen to audio when I do my feeding rounds and am always looking for new things to listen to. The only one of these I've heard is WTNV, so this is a bonanza for me. Woot!


eldritchhobbit October 13 2013, 15:55:21 UTC
Oh, I'm so pleased to hear this is useful to you! Thanks so much. Happy listening. :D


curtana October 13 2013, 15:20:02 UTC
I love WTNV too :) One other creepy podcast I've been listening too lately is Anything Ghost, which is a show where people send in their personal paranormal experiences and the host reads them out. The quality of the stories varies of course, but I find the host very easy to listen to and he adds his own music which is quite enjoyable as well.


eldritchhobbit October 13 2013, 15:57:49 UTC
Yay! Another WTNV fan!

Anything Ghost sounds great. I hadn't heard of it before, but I'll definitely check it out. It's the perfect season for it! Thanks so much for the recommendation.


curtana October 13 2013, 16:07:14 UTC
I especially like it because it's been running a long time, so there's a large number of back episodes for me to work through ;) I think I started somewhere around number 100, just to see if I liked it, and have carried forward from that point up to around 135 or so (there are about 180 in total, ranging in length from about 30 minutes to sometimes over 2 hours for the Halloween special episodes!) And eventually I can go back and listen to the older ones as well!


eldritchhobbit October 14 2013, 18:01:55 UTC
Oh, that's great! I really enjoy discovering something new that has a lot of material to work through. It's good to hear you can dive in wherever you like and them move forward/backward through the backlog as the mood strikes you. I made a note of this earlier -- I'm going to go download a show now!


ext_2203205 October 13 2013, 16:10:21 UTC
Wish I could subscribe. Feel like I am maxed out in things to read, watch and listen to. My daughter loves that Nightvale podcast, though.


eldritchhobbit October 14 2013, 17:49:37 UTC
I can understand and sympathize with the "maxed out" feeling! I'm glad to hear your daughter enjoys the podcast, too. It's brilliant.


wellinghall October 13 2013, 19:58:01 UTC
Think of the lantern you could carve from this ...


eldritchhobbit October 14 2013, 17:54:23 UTC
Good heavens! That's huge. And that would make one fantastic carving project. :)

(The article says his name is Baggs, but I'd prefer to imagine it's really Baggins... and his gardener deserves a lot of the credit. *g*)


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