Halloween Countdown, Day 13

Oct 13, 2013 07:05

It's list time again! Here are my picks for the spooky podcasts you don't want to miss this Halloween.

In no particular order...

* Welcome to Night Vale: This is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, ( Read more... )

podcasts, halloween, narrations

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Comments 15

ext_1296028 October 13 2013, 20:18:17 UTC
Thank you so much for the plug! Glad you're enjoying our podcast so far. It means so much to Curtis and me to have your support.


eldritchhobbit October 14 2013, 17:57:15 UTC
It's my pleasure! I'm loving the podcast. You two are doing a fantastic job -- not only with the individual series, but also with finding connections between the two. I'm tickled to have the opportunity to recommend it.


travels_in_time October 13 2013, 20:34:00 UTC
Okay, okay, FINE. Since you are about the eleventeenth person on my flist to mention Night Vale, I will try it. Happy now? :)


eldritchhobbit October 14 2013, 17:58:02 UTC

I am indeed happy now. :) And I do hope you're happy once you've heard it! (I suspect you will be...)


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