Mar 19, 2015 02:39

So...I'm technically on spring break ( Read more... )

law school, real life

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Comments 3

laleia March 24 2015, 03:32:55 UTC
Haha I totally opened this post in a new tab, forgot to comment, came back, typed up a long comment, and then livejournal ate my long, thoughtful comment so the abbreviated version is this: Breathe! Rest! Sleep! Law school gets better and easier from here! Applying for summer jobs is stressful but it works out for everyone in the end because as long as you have a legal-related summer job, it doesn't matter what job you get. Let me know if you have any questions - you have my email, and my Skype info if you want or need to chat about anything. Good luck!


eldarwannabe March 31 2015, 15:41:29 UTC
Gaaaaaaaah. I should email you. My career services adviser sent me an email in which she said she was "worried about me" three times.

Then she didn't reply to my response.


How did you balance all of the stuff happening all the time? I have no breaks today until 7pm (oh yeah, I'm in class) and I'm somehow supposed to apply to jobs and send follow-up emails and do other things that are probably important. Too much stuff!!

Man, we should skype. Although I'm sure you're busy being a Real Person these days...


laleia April 4 2015, 19:20:16 UTC
Yes, we should email/Skype sometime! I'm pretty busy being a "Real Person" but if we set something up in advance, there's only like a 40% chance I'll have to cancel at the last minute ...

I think the important thing to keep in mind when balancing stuff is priorities - there are things that seem important but are not, there are things that are not as important and are not as big a deal and can fall by the wayside, there are things that aren't important now but will be at the end of the semester - and keeping yourself non-stressed is a super priority! (Unless you're one of those people who functions better when stressed.)

Good luck!


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