Mar 19, 2015 02:39

So...I'm technically on spring break?

I say technically because I'm mostly having a minor meltdown while trying to do my legal writing assignment, catch up on all my classes, and, um, find a summer job.

They keep asking me what I want to be when I grow up. I DON'T KNOW OK. CAN I GO TAKE A NAP INSTEAD?

Also, I might, maybe, have an in with the OTW, maybe? Should I try that? Is that too much fandom/IRL crossover? Probably. I'm also in a class that keeps talking about pseudonymity online and I keep wanting to be like LIVEJOURNAL DID IT FIRST AND DID IT BETTER but instead we just keep talking about twitter.

New life plan: Write erotica on I feel like my years in fandom have given me a good grasp on what sex writing should sound like. And if I write something with enough dub-con, it will get made into a movie and I'll pay back my student loans. I think that's a decent plan considering the sun is going to rise pretty soon.

In conclusion: Not dead. Although this might have taken some years off my life. I FEEL YOU WESTLEY.

(This entry is also posted on Feel free to comment on either site. Although my dreamwidth background has space! Spaaaace!)

law school, real life

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