Torchwood Fic: Now and Then We Rebuild

Jul 06, 2011 23:56

Title: Now and Then We Rebuild
Author: eldarwannabe
Beta: Roommate (surprise!) checked the grammar on this one.
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Gwen Cooper, Rhiannon Davies
Summary: Five ways Gwen and Rhiannon encountered each other, after.

Notes: Number five was actually written forever ago, for dreamscapemusic's prompt over at tw_femficfest, which was, "After her brother ( Read more... )

felt like the end, fic, torchwood, fanfiction

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Comments 11

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eldarwannabe July 7 2011, 04:38:57 UTC
Yay! I'm especially glad you like them. :D

The last is my favorite too, but my brain kept insisting that it didn't fill the prompt, so I kept puzzling it over until I came up with the rest. I like how they build up to it, and I think Gwen and Rhi could be such great friends afterward. I'm tempted slightly to write more in that specific 'verse.

In my head, I will probably end up mentally sorting out "Where was Rhi?" for all of MD. Because she's just too awesome for words.


sariagray July 7 2011, 10:19:48 UTC
♥ I love Rhiannon. I...really do. A lot. This was lovely - the way they bond, the way they cope, it breaks my heart. But in a really, really good way. :D

I think, in the second sentence, you mean "feet." :)


eldarwannabe July 7 2011, 14:34:18 UTC
I love her soooo much. I'm really happy you like it! (See! Not as sad!)



mcparrot July 7 2011, 10:28:27 UTC
That was all awesome, but I liked 1 best. I can see all of them being realistic.
I love how a dumpy, normal woman who hardly had any air time become this awesome character we'd all have loved to see more of. She was great.


eldarwannabe July 7 2011, 14:53:35 UTC
Oh, thanks! I puzzled over all of them for a while, I'm glad you thought they all felt realistic.

I love our dumpy, normal, awesome woman to absolute bits. There is never enough of her out there.


ravenja1170 July 7 2011, 16:47:54 UTC
these are brilliant! I really like them all ;)


eldarwannabe July 7 2011, 20:07:11 UTC
Thanks, I'm happy you like them!


remuslives23 July 7 2011, 19:40:30 UTC
Loved this! Some of my Ianto angst is about the fact we don't get to know Rhi and her family better now. I would have loved to see Ianto trying to fit his family back into his life after COE.


eldarwannabe July 7 2011, 20:23:22 UTC
Thanks!! I definitely wish we got to see more of the Davies family and Ianto. Especially afterwards, when Rhi could have had the time to be, "um, civil servant?" and Ianto could try to avoid meeting her eyes and also she'd get to meet Jack. I may want this to exist very badly now.



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