Torchwood Fic: Now and Then We Rebuild

Jul 06, 2011 23:56

Title: Now and Then We Rebuild
Author: eldarwannabe
Beta: Roommate (surprise!) checked the grammar on this one.
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Gwen Cooper, Rhiannon Davies
Summary: Five ways Gwen and Rhiannon encountered each other, after.

Notes: Number five was actually written forever ago, for dreamscapemusic's prompt over at tw_femficfest, which was, "After her brother ( Read more... )

felt like the end, fic, torchwood, fanfiction

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Comments 11

dreamscapemusic July 8 2011, 00:15:14 UTC
Oh my God, you just made my day. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

I was scanning my friends' list and saw my name. And a five-times fic, which is my favorite genre. I loved it, seeing all the different scenarios that could have happened.I think my favorite was the last one, which makes me feel slightly guilty that you angsted over it. Because it's beautiful. All of them are.


eldarwannabe July 8 2011, 03:08:33 UTC
YAY! YOU ARE SO WELCOME. Thank you for prompting for Rhiannon!!

I'm so glad you like it! I love writing for prompts, but I'm always nervous that the prompter won't like it. (I also didn't know what the protocol was when I fill one so late - should I send you message? I'm so happy you found it.)

Don't feel guilty! I think I like them all put together the best, so I'm happy I kept thinking about it. Even though I'm waaaaaay late. :D


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