"Hey..." [One-shot]

May 04, 2011 07:57

Title: “Hey…”
Pairing: Minho/Jinki
Genre: Romance, angst, fluff, slice-of-life
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Minho misses a call from a wrong number, and finds out how sometimes, some things can only be said over the phone. And of those times, some things can only be said when you think no one is listening.

[A/N: I’ll quote a disclaimer’s note first ( Read more... )

genre: romance, pairing: minho/onew, work: fanfiction, fandom: shinee, genre: slice of life, genre: angst, author: the officesmexer, rating: pg, length: one-shot, genre: fluff

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Comments 40

peanutsparty May 4 2011, 07:23:58 UTC



curionenene May 4 2011, 08:04:11 UTC
lol XDDD glad you liked it!


electrikal_ace May 4 2011, 11:44:08 UTC
I didn't know what to expect...But I completely enjoyed the fic's style and plot! :D
It was really cute :3 I really loved the concept! thanks for sharing


curionenene May 4 2011, 12:54:06 UTC
and thanks for reading XD glad you enjoyed it!


nyw May 4 2011, 11:49:13 UTC
lol you. YES, you should be studying. I'm so sian though. >.>

This is cute though \o/


curionenene May 4 2011, 12:53:43 UTC
llllol you're so random. Never thought I'd see you comment on what I write though =3

Lol, I've only finished revising one chapter for tomorrow orz


nyw May 4 2011, 13:25:14 UTC
Minho and Jinki and cute telephone fic? I'm all over it. /deadpan

I just read through the slides for SPSS 3 and want to die. Also the 'features' for all the different qualitative methods are so retarded.

Are you done tomorrow? God I can't wait for this to be over.


curionenene May 4 2011, 13:26:59 UTC
really. deadpan huh...

SPSS 3... oh right orz I nearly forgot that.

lllllol. I think I end with the same exam as you dear.


i_am_rolling May 6 2011, 05:55:57 UTC
This was refreshing, for lack of better description. Haha
It was different from the usual repetitive story lines i read about shinee, I guess that's why I found it so touching.
I must say I love the way you write, you're creative descriptions fit intothe story perfectly.
I'd give an example, but i'm not reading this on a computer so that makes it difficult.
I'll stop rambling now.
Real and fluffy fic. ;))


nerdtoyota August 17 2011, 11:26:24 UTC
Yep, it indeed was something different and refreshing. The story was just so lovely and adorable. And the ending got me melting in my chair, to be honest. I'm really glad I decided to read it.


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