"Hey..." [One-shot]

May 04, 2011 07:57

Title: “Hey…”
Pairing: Minho/Jinki
Genre: Romance, angst, fluff, slice-of-life
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Minho misses a call from a wrong number, and finds out how sometimes, some things can only be said over the phone. And of those times, some things can only be said when you think no one is listening.

[A/N: I’ll quote a disclaimer’s note first ( Read more... )

genre: romance, pairing: minho/onew, work: fanfiction, fandom: shinee, genre: slice of life, genre: angst, author: the officesmexer, rating: pg, length: one-shot, genre: fluff

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Comments 40

kaybee38 May 4 2011, 02:54:15 UTC
This is wonderful! The concept, the conversations. Plus, it's my OTP! Great work!


curionenene May 4 2011, 08:00:53 UTC
hahahaha. yes, otp truimphs all. Glad you liked it!


volatileflame May 4 2011, 02:55:12 UTC
omg~ i love this! <3


curionenene May 4 2011, 08:01:09 UTC
glad you liked it!


vsays May 4 2011, 03:10:09 UTC
Oh my goodness, I absolutely LOVE this! And really, I should be doing homework right now.

I love the fact that this was sort of inspired by Bruno Mars' song because I love Bruno Mars it's such a feel good (lazy) song, but you totally took that concept and twisted it into something else...something wonderful. I love the fact that although it is sort of wrong of what Minho was doing, the reason behind it made sense and it was all good. There were things that were cleared up and secrets (can I call it secrets?) that came out throughout the story and I loved being surprised at what happened and why it happened. Lastly, I just love the whole not-actually-talking-and-only-leaving-messages theme, it's exciting!

Overall, lovely job.
Gosh, this is long.


curionenene May 4 2011, 08:02:35 UTC
ahahaha! We're both procrasinators. /pokes textbook.

I'm glad you loved it. Lol, Bruno Mars' song was something last minute, heard it on the radio when I was in the car while I was going home before writing this.

Lol, I just noticed your icon. So cute XDDD

Thanks for reading!


vsays May 7 2011, 03:20:08 UTC
Oh this is late but still.

*kicks textbook under bed and does everything else besides hw* LOL you have no idea how hard I procrastinate, it's soooooo unhealthy. ;l

Ah, so the idea literally just hit you, huh? So do you not listen to Bruno Mars in general? His songs are wonderful/amazing/lovely.

Hehehe dubu says you're good job! ;]
and no, THANKS for writing this.


mikaerayohiko May 4 2011, 04:04:28 UTC
Aw I love you for this. this is a refreshing fic, very. :)memoed this :3


curionenene May 4 2011, 08:02:51 UTC
Thanks for the mem! =D


stjoan4eva May 4 2011, 04:51:57 UTC
I can't stop crying as I read this...it was wonderful.

It was emotional, just a touch bittersweet, and even though it was short the way you portrayed their fears and how lonely they were, and then that tenuous connection they shared, ah, I could sing praises about it all day, I really could.

But for now, I need more Kleenex.


curionenene May 4 2011, 08:03:50 UTC
awwwwwwwww /hands

/rolls around and prods. It was my birthday last week and as a gift to the world I'm using it as an excuse to get awesome writers to write. So...

/bats eyelashes


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