
Mar 12, 2006 17:42

The bunnies are killing me. They're pushing so far into my brain that I can picture every scene, every line, every word being said and done right infront of me. With my eyes open. So I now have Sam and Dean fucking and making such pretty moans in the empty computer chair next to me. Sam is on top. And they're doing it to Haunted by Poe. But it ( Read more... )

fanfiction, actor: george eads, character: dean winchester, fandom: wincest, actor: jensen ackles, character: sam winchester, pairing: sam/dean, actor: eric szmanda, tv: supernatural, actor: jared padalecki

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Comments 17

littlespike87 March 12 2006, 17:11:22 UTC
All 4 of my men in one post *thud* Loves you


el_gilliath March 12 2006, 17:13:33 UTC
Lol, they're all mine too so that was the least I could do;)


littlespike87 March 12 2006, 17:18:17 UTC
I have way too many...gosh most of my men are on my sidebars...all are faves and I'm still going to re-vamp my sidebars too add more


el_gilliath March 12 2006, 17:23:51 UTC
Lol, I have way to many too. But these guys are my four big ones. Matt Damon is my fifth big one.


ithilmenel March 12 2006, 18:31:00 UTC
Guh... can I borrow your brain for a while because those bunnies are really fucking hot! (not the death!fic though *hides from that one*).

Four gorgeous guys as well. :)


el_gilliath March 12 2006, 18:35:56 UTC
If you can get it down on paper, then go ahead! *hands you bunnies* The scenes and everything are already done, it's just writing it down and making it work that's the hard part. And the death!fic will probably not be written at all. I've written one death!fic and got so much critisicm for it that I didn't want to write more of those. And I even like critisicm and flames.

Oh yes, they are:)


sylph_ironlight March 12 2006, 18:49:39 UTC
*tears myself away from staring at the pretties*

So I can't find those bloody links that I told you I'd get, and it's driving me batty. I know that I have them.

*wanders off to do some more hunting*


el_gilliath March 12 2006, 18:52:20 UTC
Lol, just take your time. I'm in no hurry.

BTW, the links wouldn't be any of these would it?

*stares at the pretty boys*


neffable March 13 2006, 02:23:59 UTC

That first plot bunny has killed me. Eep. Even just thinking about it is making me lose the ability to form words XD

Also, gah, I adore that Jensen pic. <3


el_gilliath March 13 2006, 02:44:23 UTC
The thought of it is all good. But I have the full frontal. I feel like I'm watching a god damned movie, where the main scene happens on my boyfriends computer chair! I will never look at that chair in the same way ever again. And if I get lucky, I'll dream about it. Can't wait.....

I know. He is just so.... Meh....


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