(no subject)

Mar 12, 2006 17:42

The bunnies are killing me. They're pushing so far into my brain that I can picture every scene, every line, every word being said and done right infront of me. With my eyes open. So I now have Sam and Dean fucking and making such pretty moans in the empty computer chair next to me. Sam is on top. And they're doing it to Haunted by Poe. But it starts with dirty, dirty pole-dancing in this gay club called Dreams. With ripped jeans... And a black tank with a leather jacket. Not to mention the cigarette... Yeah, good images indeed.

I also have a lovely death!fic working it's magic in my head, with Sleep by Poets of the Fall as the music. Then there is the question, which of these fics should get my attention first? Though desicion indeed...

Other than that, this weekend has been mostly good. Went to see Underworld Evolution on Friday. And considering this is the type of movie that is right up my alley, I absolutely fucking loved it. Me and the best friend, Arnt, where all crazy with anticipation before it started and damn did it live up to the anticipation. Most I've talked to didn't like it at all, but for me it was freaking amazing. Seeing Kate Beckingsale in that tight leather suit is good enough for me!

Yesterday I was @ Arnt's. He lives in this stupid place that hasn't got TVNorge, where Supernatural airs, so I burned out all the episodes for him so that he can see them. And of course, he lusts after Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki like the rest of us so now he oficially loved me even more. There was this girl there that really annoyed me though, but I held it in. Went home about 2:30am, when my cousin came and picked me up. I planned on talking to him about some stuff, but his girlfriend was with him so that didn't happen.

I haven't really done anything today. Watched about 5 minutes of Smallville, but it was an episode I've seen beefore so I didn't bother seing it. IT was the epsiode after Lexmas BTW. 5x10 or something.... So now I'm planning to ogle some of my fave guys and then I'll probably re-watch episodes 1 through 4 of Supernatural. Not sure yet, but I'm doing something, that's for sure. Fredrik was talking about stopping by so I'll probably hang out with him today, as CJ is visiting his mom.

And to end this post the guys I drool over;

Jensen Ackles:

It's the coke. And the hands. And the pants. And the look. And the way he's leaning on the wall. Yeah...

Jared Padalecki:

JP's eyes are soooooo gorgeous!

Eric Szmanda:

He is so cute! I just want to hug him.

George Eads

Charming smile. Oh so charming....

fanfiction, actor: george eads, character: dean winchester, fandom: wincest, actor: jensen ackles, character: sam winchester, pairing: sam/dean, actor: eric szmanda, tv: supernatural, actor: jared padalecki

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