Got tagged by gothicautumn03

Mar 09, 2006 13:48

Five things I can be bribed with;
1. Anything Supernatural
2. Strawberries
3. Good reading material, be it fanfiction, a magazine or a book
4. Droolworthy pictures of my fave guys that I can made pretty graphics with
5. Hugs, kisses and CSI on the TV

I now tag whoever wants to do it:)

Things have been kinda slow here recently. It's just been me and the ghost, doing basically nothing or watching Supernatural. Saw Bloody Mary for the first time last night, and I do think that this is the freackiest episode so far. I expected her to be all ugly and grey though, but she wasn't. Almost cursed the TV-announcer when she said BM three times, and thanked my lucky starts that we don't have any mirrors in my living room. People may not believe it, but I've been trough to many freacky stuff not to be cautious about urban legends and stuff like that. I'm kinda suprised that Supernatural hasn't freaked me out though. Cause I hate scary movies and all that sort of stuff, yet SN is okay. I can watch the entire episode without jumping out of my good skin, though I did jump once in the pilot, when you suddenly see Constance standing infront of the car and Sam drives right through her. I was so not expecting that. But in this writing moment, my fave episodes are; 1x01 - Pilot, 1x04 - Phantom Traveller, 1x06 - Skin, 1x12 - Faith and 1x16 - Shadows.

And I just bought myself a new cell phone. My mobile company called and offered me a brand new cellphone for 189kr. And that particular cellphone costs about 1500kr in the stores. Yay for me:)

character: sam winchester, actor: jensen ackles, lj: meme, lj: rant, tv: supernatural, sucks: bored

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