So this past week I was distracted by a guy. A guy I met on, who seemed perfect for me at first (he was even checking out Buffy on Netflix because I said I loved it!), but turned out to be obsessive and insecure and way too preoccupied with his acne. I canceled my meeting with him and told him he needed to seek help (when I say obsessive
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Comments 18
My heart sank when I first saw that they were moving seasonal_spuffy to DW. Mainly because I am obsessed with LJ and I like pottering around my little corner of the fandom. (I do lurk on other forums and on tumblr but don't know folks well enough to make accounts at such places.) But mostly because I am a total comment whore and obsessed with using my shiny LJ icons at every opportunity. That said, they do have an option to post on DW and simply provide a link back to the fic on your LJ. But then I guess that kinda eliminates the community feel and means that people are less likely to read/review after being redirected. Mostly I'm just glad there is gonna be another round so I can finally post some fic and get more involved in fandom. I can understand both sides of the equation.
I'm kind of in the same camp as you when it comes to seasonal_spuffy, but I don't really have space to complain because I'm still catching up on last time's posts, and I can't even sign up for this one because of RL busytimes. Since I started in fandom, it's always seemed like there's been this sudden explosion of creativity and Spuffy celebration then, and I'd hate to see it dimmed (and at such a promising time for our ship, even!) even a little because of the move. :/
My babyfic loving heart swelled at that part, because it validated the idea that Spike would be good with children in spite of what mean people on tumblr who shall remain nameless who reblog Spuffy Babyfic graphics just to mock the idea would say. *snerk* It's harder to visualize when your own OTP and attention is pointed toward two completely different characters, I guess. But hundreds of IC Spuffy babyfic can't be wrong ( ... )
It's like a death knell for LJ that S_S is moving. I feel really sad that the fandom is getting even more fragmented.
Your welcome! It was a pleasant little interlude for me to read the other night when I was mourning the relationship that never was ;)
I'm a little upset about the move. Mostly because I LOVE livejournal so so much and I've only participated once now in SS. I was hoping it would stay here longer. I've already signed up, but I'll most likely be posting links that lead back to my lj.
HEHE!! your penguin Andrew!! LOVED IT! :D
Yeah, I'm not jumping for joy at the move, but it's not going to keep me from enjoying the content that comes out of the comm. I'm not participating in this round (except for possibly the free day - we'll see), but linking back to LJ seems to be the way to go.
Thank you! Writing Andrew/Spike is so much fun!
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