Help Me With My Seasonal_Spuffy

Oct 28, 2010 21:28

Where my Spuffies at?! (Yes, I've always wanted to say that)

Anyway, for my seasonal_spuffy entry in a couple weeks, I need a little input. I'm trying to narrow down a definitive Top 10 Spuffy Moments list, and I need everyone you know to vote! So, click the shiny little boxes with the ten moments you think are the creme de la creme of Spike and Buffy in the ( Read more... )

poll, seasonal_spuffy

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Comments 36

diamondtook862 October 29 2010, 04:45:45 UTC
Can't vote, choosing all of them.


diamondtook862 October 29 2010, 05:28:14 UTC
Hmm, revising, except for your beneath you FFL choice.


menomegirl October 29 2010, 04:48:40 UTC
I only picked six out of the choices you gave. If you want, I can think about it tomorrow and come back and give you 4 more. :)


blackfrancine October 29 2010, 04:54:26 UTC
For some reason your offer of four more with the smiley face just cracked me up.


menomegirl October 29 2010, 14:04:27 UTC
Well, I didn't want to sound like I was saying the others I rejected weren't Spuffy moments. They are; they just aren't *my* favorite moments.

I love smiley faces. I wish we could do real smileys on here. Especially the raspberry one.


eilowyn October 29 2010, 05:47:12 UTC
DO IT! I just listed these off the top of my (and angearia's) head, so if you have more, please list them! I'm going for DEFINITIVE, so I can use the word DEFINITIVE in my seasonal_spuffy work. Yeah, I am that pretentious.


xlivvielockex October 29 2010, 05:02:28 UTC
That was WAY hard! You're evil!

I totally went with my gut though. Like those reactionary THIS is what Spuffy means to me kind of thing. Hope that was okay. :)


samsom October 29 2010, 05:09:19 UTC
My number one pick off that list, and I'm a little surprised myself, is the Crypt Door Scene. Purely for Spuffyness, nothing beats it for sheer hotnes, the way they feel each other through the door and their hands go up to pretty much the same spot...guh. DOES ANYONE HAVE A GIF OR A VID OR EVEN CAPS???

The one that I'm surprised I didn't pick was the "every night I save you" scene. That felt more like Spike's grief over Buffy's death and his failure to save her, and for something to be "Spuffy" to me, it has to involve a mutual and equal feeling between them. Buffy was so numb in that scene that it didn't qualify for me.

I also didn't pick the FFL scene that you added. If it had been the earlier scene where he says she needs to reach for her weapon whereas he's already got his and they do that little dance where he grabs her hand on the pool table, I'd have picked it. That little scene was full of zing. But the one you added...the "you're beneath me" is literally too painful for me to watch. Spike might have been soulless but I ( ... )


ladyofthelog October 29 2010, 05:40:17 UTC
Ah, but this is so skewed toward S7! Despite my fondness for S7, it contains none of my favorite Spuffy moments.


eilowyn October 29 2010, 05:49:12 UTC
Then add your own! Was I not specific enough in my instructions? Hmm? This is just my list conflated with Emmie's list, and we both seem to dig season 7, so that may be why it's skewed like this,


ladyofthelog October 29 2010, 05:59:28 UTC
Oh, sorry, perhaps I was distracted by ticky boxes.

Additional fave moments:
- "Something Blue" - the entire episode.
- "Tabula Rasa" - the kiss at the Bronze. (This is actually more of a fave than the bringing-the-house-down-(literally) moment in "Smashed.")
- OMWF - the end duet: "This isn't real, but I just want to feel"/"But you can make me feel" = HEARTBREAKING. Also, kiss!

That's just off the top of my head.


eilowyn October 29 2010, 06:15:26 UTC
See? This is why I'm doing the poll! So I can get people to tell me what I'm doing wrong BEFORE I DO IT WRONG! I mean, HOW COULD I FORGET Something Blue? Seriously, self? WTF?


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