Due to many people constantly asking how to order from Baby, I decided to write a guide.
Any questions are welcome and will be added to this guide if necessary.
I know a lot of you already know how to do this, but this is for anybody who hasn't ordered before :3
Making a regular order at BTSSB
Baby's instructions are here:
http://www.babyssb.co.jp/shopping/english.htmlThey can be a little vague and confusing, so here is some instructions.
1. Prepare the email to send to Baby, this can also be a fax. I haven't found faxes to be faster than emails at all and all their confirmations will be via email, however faxes are better if your emails don't get through. They list their fax number as: +81 03-5468-5491, however I believe you need a country code at the front. Anybody know for sure?
If you fax them, you must include your email address along with your other information so they can contact you.
Their email address is: order@babyssb.co.jp. Be sure to write "Mail order" in the subject line.
I suggest using gmail to email baby as every email I've sent from there has made it to them. I've heard of other email sites getting filtered (like yahoo, hotmail, etc.).
An easy way to fill in the order is to copy the entire table they show into your email. If you have multiple items, copy the box over multiple times, just remove the lines with your information on all except for the first, they don't need your address and such repeatedly.
Now, when ordering an item you need to have japanese language files installed so you can see it properly. I'm sure it makes it much easier on them if you put the product's name and colour in japanese instead of english. Of course, some people have reported that the copy-pasted japanese didn't work for them, so you want to check your email's capabilities. I used gmail and it handled the copy+pasted japanese just fine, baby was also able to read it.
You CAN write all of the products down in romanized Japanese or english however, they will accept orders that way.
I will now explain what each piece of information needed is:
Product code: This is the number that is above the product name on every item, it usually has a star in the middle (ex: 130★250). Remember that some items don't have a star, Alice and the Pirates items are a good example of this.
All colours of the same item have the same product code, it does not change.
Product name: This is the text in bold that sits directly underneath the product code (ex: カットワンピース). Leaving this in japanese text is recommended, just copy and paste it. This also doesn't change among different colours of the same item.
Color: Self-explanatory. I would recommend that you leave this in japanese as well, especially since some colours aren't as simple as "pink" or "white", especially for garments with more than one colour. This is shown underneath the heading "color" (ex: オフ白×オフ白レース).
Size: This usually only applies to shoes. There are four sizes, S M L and LL. All of the sizes are shown in centimetres, to figure out what size you need, measure your foot. You can write the letter and the cm beside (ex: Sサイズ:約22~22.5cm), but it's fine if you just write the letter. I don't think it's a good idea to just write the cm alone.
Quantity: Write how many of this item you want. Make sure it's just how many of the specific item you want, not all the items together.
Cost: Write how much the item costs AFTER taxes. There are usually two numbers, a lower one in brackets and a larger one on top. The larger one is the cost after taxes and yes, you do have to pay the larger amount.
Payment Method: You can write Bank transfer, IPMO or Paypal. If you change your mind after receiving confirmation it's fine, just be sure to let them know which method you used when you send it (I will go into more detail in a bit).
Address/Postal Code:Write your shipping address, don't include your name. Be sure to include your zipcode or postal code (depending on where you live). Do NOT forget to write which country you live in.
Phone number: Write your real telephone number here. I haven't heard of baby calling anyone for any reason, I think it may be required for EMS or something.
Name: Write in your first and last name. If you need to show ID to get the package for any reason, it's a good idea to have the right name on there. It's not a good idea to use internet handles, the post office may not even accept that. If you need to write a family member's name on it for some reason that will work as well.
Look over your order and make sure it's all filled out correctly, then send it.
2. Now you wait for Baby's confirmation email. Lately it has been taking baby a long time to get back to people...However, usually if they don't respond within 5 days or so, it's a good idea to resend the email as there may have been a problem.
When they do respond they will let you know if anything you ordered is out of stock. They will also include your total (which includes shipping) and payment information. They usually give you a total even if something is out of stock. If you want to change your order, you will need to email them back and change it, but you'll have to wait again.
This confirmation email will include their address for IPMOs, their bank information for bank transfers and their paypal address. They also say that they want you to pay within 10 days, this doesn't mean that the money order has to make it there within that time, you just have to send it then.
3. Sending Payment
If you live outside of the USA, I recommend using the bank transfer or paypal methods. MO's from countries such as Britain and Canada are not accepted in Japan. In Canada there is a way to send a proper money order, but it is a long process and most postal workers don't even know about it.
Money Order Method
-First you want to get the total amount in USD. So go to
http://www.xe.com/ and use the exchange rate tool to see how much the yen total is in USD. If you get an amount where the cents is .50 or more round the number up (ex: $124.59 is rounded up to $125.00). If you don't live in the United States, you need to take that final USD number and see how much it is in your currency (ex: JPY->USD->EUR).
-Keep that number in mind, write it down if you have to.
-Go down to the post office (NOT the bank) and ask for an international postal money order. If you live in the USA, give the postal worker the amount in USD that you got earlier. If you live elsewhere, ask if they will put the order in USD, if they can't use the number you got from transferring the USD to your currency.
*Note: I don't know if baby is able to accept money orders for amounts in other currencies (like Euro for example), if anyone knows for sure let me know.
-Money orders will cost you a few dollars extra, please be aware of this.
-Once you receive the order, fill it out (pay it to the order of: Baby the Stars Shine Bright Inc.), make sure you fill in all the information.
-Now you have to mail the order. You can use a regular envelope, manila envelope, padded envelope or one of the global priority cardboard envelopes (in the USA). If you are using a regular white envelope, make sure to put the order into a folded piece of paper or something, just so you can't see it through the envelope.
-Aparently with US money orders you can write pay to the order of: Baby the Stars Shine Bright Inc. OR (your name here).
Bank Transfer Method
-If you don't regularily use bank transfers via phone or internet, you will need to go to your bank when they are open. Many banks will not allow you to use the phone/internet at all.
-Once there, ask to send a wire transfer in YEN to another bank. Some banks will NOT do this and will only send in USD, in case your bank does this it's best to get the total in USD using
-Be sure to add 2500yen to your total to cover the bank fee. Japanese banks are pretty nasty about fees and they will charge baby this amount to receive your payment. So if your total is 10,000 you will need to send 12,500.
-Your bank may also charge YOU a fee as well (mine does not), be aware of this.
-Baby's confirmation email will have their bank information in it, be sure to copy this down and give it to the bank.
Paypal Method
-Once you receive your confirmation, find baby's paypal address in the email they sent you.
-Send your payment to them via paypal, this is really simple
-They accept payments in yen, so do so, that is the easiest way
-I recommend paying out of your balance or from a credit card instead of doing an echeck
4: Confirming Payment
Once you have sent payment via an IPMO, bank transfer or Paypal information, reply to baby's confirmation email letting them know when you sent payment and which method you used. If you mailed an IPMO, you may want to give them an estimate on shipping time but it's not required.
5: Shipping Confirmation
Once Baby has received your payment and shipped your item they will email you with a tracking number, it will also say which day it was shipped out. Sometimes the email will come a few days later than the date they shipped.
You can check the tracking number on the EMS site or on your local post office's site (USPS for example). Usually it takes a while for the number to show up in the system, give it a half a day to a full day to show up.
6: Receive your stuff!
If all went well you should receive your stuff very quickly. If everything is in order, then you shouldn't email baby again, they don't request you let them know.
If there is something missing or defective, contact baby to let them know. If something was destroyed by the post office, go to the office and ask to file a claim about it. I'm pretty sure EMS is automatically insured.
Placing a Reservation
This works almost exactly the same as the regular order process. However, it is recommended you place reservations seperately from items already in stock. The reason for this is that a reserved item will be shipped seperately and baby requests it be sent apart from other orders.
1. Place your reservation with the same box as the regular orders.
2. In the subject line, you may want to write "Mail order RESERVATION"
3. Once you've received a confirmation email from baby you are NOT allowed to cancel the order. Doing so causes problems for them and they may not allow you to order from them again. So be VERY sure you want to place this order and can pay for it.
4. Pay via IPMO, Bank transfer or Paypal within 10 days of receiving their confirmation email with the total. They ask you to pay ahead of time to avoid trouble later.
5. As soon as the item is made available they will ship it to you and send you an email with your tracking number and date shipped.
Feel free to add anything or ask any questions. I've placed both orders and reservations with baby so I know how the process works. :3