It's raining parasols

Jul 14, 2006 00:32

I finally lumbered out of the dinosaur age and got myself a digicam after years of leeching off friends' cams. And to celebrate, I took photos of my parasol collection in my living room, late one night, when there was nothing good on TV.

I love my parasols! I have a total jones for them for some reason :X

Prepare for parasol spammage! )

garment: parasols, community: wardrobe post

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Comments 14

josephineisevil July 13 2006, 17:24:10 UTC
I really dig the MAM one.


deedlelu July 13 2006, 17:25:38 UTC
oooh I need a parasol quite badly! You wouldn't happen to be selling any of them, would you? *grin*

They are all so very lovely!


blue_meddy July 13 2006, 17:31:41 UTC
Ah, so sorry but my parasols are strictly not for sale ;D


vulgarkyo July 13 2006, 17:27:57 UTC
lovely! i would die for a parasol but around here, it might get stolen (bad bad section of the city!) how much did you pay for them?


blue_meddy July 13 2006, 17:35:36 UTC
Around 2000-3500yen for each, I think. I get at least one or two whenever I go to Tokyo ^_^ On the most recent trip I went, the airplane wouldn't let me carry them onboard and I had to check them in :X Luckily they arrived at the baggage claim in one piece!


vulgarkyo July 13 2006, 18:52:33 UTC
nice price, do you recomend a site (one that dosnt use romaji cause i cant read it XD)


neko_oni July 13 2006, 17:32:54 UTC
Cool~ I really need to order a MAM one. :D


ugly_kitties July 13 2006, 17:47:14 UTC
Ah! Can I see what the MAM and Meta parasols look like when you close and tie them? ;_; The sites never really show it...


blue_meddy July 14 2006, 02:09:56 UTC
Sure, no prob ~~~ Shall I send the pics to your email instead? ^^


ugly_kitties July 14 2006, 02:29:10 UTC
Sure, if that'd be more convenient for you, thanks so much!


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