My 2016 Wardrobe Post

Jan 01, 2016 22:01

I'm no good at editing but I hope you'll enjoy my post nonetheless :)

In 2014 I sold 4 dresses and bought 4 other ones... the ones I sold happened to be among the most recent moitie dresses I owned (2007-2009) and the ones I bought happened to be really really old. I didn't exactly plan to become even more old school than I already was but... it somehow happened.
Overall, I sold 14 items and bought 13 (mostly small things, apart from those 4 dresses), so my wardrobe hasn't grown any bigger.

2015 was my 10th years as a lolita and 2016 will be the 10th anniversary of my first Moitie order, I wonder what new dream items this new year will bring me *o*. There are only 2-3 dresses left that I really want very badly... I've been lucky with some miraculous finds over the past few years, maybe I'll be lucky in 2016 too ?

Enjoy, and happy new year : )


This rose pattern is one of my favorite prints ever <3

I also have the skirt from the same collection so I'll post JSK & skirt together
Did you notice the skirt has red lines accross it instead of black ? *random detail*

The fabric is nice and thick, and I just love these flowers



the buttons look like they are made out of shells or something, they are nice and shiny <3

Lace details:

Nun dresses:

The nun-dress below has a detachable collar, so I sometimes wear it with other dresses. I also wear the simple black jsk on it's own too.

The following two JSKs are from the same collection as the first OP I posted
I just really really love these simple rose patterns <3
Both fabrics have roses all over them if you look closely, except the OP's fabric is more shiny; probably so that the roses can show through the thin veil that comes over it.

Second favorite Moitie print after the rose one <3 I just really love Gothic Arch <3

Below is one of my favorite dresses <3 all those layers of lace <3

The last dresses are slightly more recent:

This is a special Christmas edition from 2009:

the white spots are sparkles

now on to the next section...
Sets !
Nothing new here except that I took better quality pictures than last year.
The first set includes a JSK:

This jacket is one of my favorite items, I love combining it with various outfits.

This coat is one of the items I've had in my wardrobe the longest <3

Just like my ivory jacket, I also love combining this red one with various outfits <3
In general, I love red and ivory, so any occasion to add a touch of those colors to an outfit makes me happy



I'm so in love with this fabric <3 I fell in love with it all over again while taking these new pictures <3
This set is also one of my favorites.
but 90% of my wardrobe is a "favorite" of mine so there's not much point to me saying it each time

random detail: the button on this skirt also looks like it's made of the same shell-like material as the white OP I posted higher up.

This cape comes in a set with the Rozencreuz series (velvet jsk or skirt) but I only own the cape.

Next section : coats



The fur parts are removable.

Shirts & cutsews
I took new pictures of my items since last year's ones were several years old and very blurrry

there's a small white moitie symbol in the middle of the collar

This 3-layered collar has 2 layers that are detachable:
and the shell-like buttons are back

lace details:

lace details:

the same one in black:

the same one in black:

the lace is the same one below but the shirt is different

the choker below is supposed to be worn with this cutsew, but it's detachable.
You can't really see the lace below the neck but the lace pattern includes roses

Same cutsew + detachable choker in black
by the way, both chokers have "Moi meme Moitie" written on the ribbon that holds them together

the following cutsew is recognizable among Mana fans for being the one he wears in the Moi dix Mois hotwave interview
The velvet ribbon is supposed to be worn around the neck but I usually don't use it.

Another cutsew with a detachable choker.

Next section!

the next pictures are the same old ones as last year... sorry... taking new pictures of my tops made me too tired to take new ones of everything... maybe next year I'll do the same for my old accessory pictures

(i own two pairs of these, 1 white & 1 ivory)

Next... hair accessories:
the first one is new, the rest are the same as last year, minus what I sold

the following headdress is the one I wear the most xD it's on 90% of my outfit pictures... but I just love it too much <3

Next. handbags

I'm cheating with this picture since it's still in Japan... I bought it in december and I'm waiting to have more stuff to send home before shipping it (if it's a problem to include it in this post, I'll delete it :))

Moving on to:
Gloves / arm-covers:


(I own two pairs of the black ones... in case one gets broken) (I'm crazy, I know xD)

Chokers :
ha, look, recent moitie !!
I really like their newer accessories with the moitie logo on it (see my necklace and earrings lower in this post)

Pendants / Jewelry :

I just realised I forgot to post my petticoat:
I'd love to buy a white moitie one too but... let's say it's not on my list of priorities for now.

Last but not least, my only non-moitie lolita items:

Fairy Wish :

And that's the end for 2015
I hope you enjoyed this post even if most items are the same as last year
I think it's the first year in a while when my wardrobe didn't increase... but it's fine, I don't need more. (at least that's what I tell myself... until a new dream dress shows up)

Thanks for looking !

theme: january, community: wardrobe post, *moi meme moitie

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