Welcome to my second wardrobe post! Over the year, I basically went on a bit of a spree and expanded my wardrobe. I started eliminating many of the darker pieces in my wardrobe, and tried to go more for color. I also realized that no matter what I will apparently always have more blue items in my closet than anything else XD
I attempted to get as much of my wardrobe as possible this time, since last time I ran out of time and didn't include a lot of things. I also decided to cut back with the descriptions I did in the last post. Pics and names of items only; tried to put official names in italics.
Names of pieces have been noted under each picture, if I was able to idenifty them. I hope you enjoy!
Dresses and Skirts
Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Queen of Snow ~The Fairy that Descends from the White Lands~ OP
Cinderella Jewelry JSK I
Ave Maria ~Heavenly Princess and Madonna Lily~ skirt
Alice and the Pirates
Beauty and the Rose Promise OP
Trick Hat, Pricked Heart JSK
[missing removable waist ribbons]
Charme de Rouge ~Red Shoes Only for Me~ skirt
Ragnarok ~Story of the Final Stage~ JSK
Swan Lake ~Ephemeral Tears~ Ballerina JSK
Sheherazade ~One Thousand and One Nights~ JSK I
Mermaid in the Jewelry Box OP
Teatre de l'erreur ~Lost Paradise~ skirt
Vampire Requiem JSK (2011 version)
Innocent World
Renoir OP
Cherry Cat JSK (2012 Happy Pack version)
Extra Dot JSK - long version
Felicia Crown JSK - long version
Linderhof JSK - long version
Glitter Seraphim JSK - long version
Carriage Tassel JSK - long version
Westminster Corset JSK
Grazia Crown JSK (2014 Lucky Pack version)
Antique Playing Cards JSK - long version
Strahov Library Ribbon JSK
Gargoyles of Notre Dame de Paris Cross JSK
Toy Parade JSK
Moi meme Moitie
Clergy OP
Holy Stained Glass JSK
OP [not sure of the name]
Arabesque Velveteen JSK
Bodyline L088 OP
Bodyline L392 OP
Bodyline Antique Clock OP
Bodyline P128 OP
Haenuli Angel of Music OP
Lief Sacred Night JSK
FanplusFriend Classic Lolita pleated velveteen JSK
FanplusFriend A Midsummer Night's Dream JSK
Magic Tea Party Lunar Castle JSK
Magic Tea Party Zodiac JSK
Krad Lanrete Medusa JSK III
Infanta Charlie and the Toy Factory JSK
[Altered - changed all buttons]
American Horror Story: Hotel Bellhop dress
American Horror Story: Freak Show dress
Disney's Alice in Wonderland Silhouette dress
ReStyle Stained Glass Beauty and the Beast skirt
Angelic Pretty Crystal Dream Carnival Premium Set
Baby the Stars Shine Bright Tartan salopette with hair ties
Bodyline velveteen set
Candy Violet custom set
FanplusFriend Machine Birdcage set
Eat Me Ink Me custom set [Ivory Tower]
Disney's The Nightmare Before Christmas flocked set
Blouses and Tops
L to R:
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Key to the Heaven Optical Lace blouse
- Innocent World 2010 Lucky Pack blouse
- Innocent World 2012 Happy pack blouse
- Putumayo blouse [name unknown]
L to R:
- Bodyline Ribbon blouse
- Bodyline Ladder lace blouse
All offbrand
L to R:
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Pastel Color round collar pullover
- Moi meme moitie velveteen cutsew
L to R:
- Bodyline cutsew
- Uniqlo/Laduree macaron t-shirt
- Disney's Beauty and the Beast stained glass t-shirt
Head Accessories
Clockwise from upper left:
- Angelic Pretty Melty Royal Chocolate barrette
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Cinderella Jewelry headbow
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Papillionnage en eclats hair comb
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Louise Ribbon beret
Top row:
- Alice and the Pirates Feather Lace headdress
- Alice and the Pirates Teatre de l'erreur ~Lost Paradise~ barrette
- Alice and the Pirates Sheherazade ~One Thousand and One Nights~ headbow
Bottom row:
- Alice and the Pirates Elisabeth ~Bride of Death~ headdress
- Alice and the Pirates Trick Hat, Pricked Heart headbow
Clockwise from upper left:
- Innocent World Carriage Tassel headbow
- Innocent World Three Archangels headbow
- Innocent World Cherry Cat Happy Pack hair clip
All offbrand; clockwise from upper left
- Bodyline hat
- Modified velveteen pirate hat
- Gold and cream flower crown
- Mini hat from Etsy
- Handmade bow with removable rose clip
Tiara from Icing
Bridal tiara from Amazon
L to R:
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Usakumya mini-mini pochette
- Innocent World 2-Way Heart bag
L to R:
- Dream V heart bag
- Q-Pot Mermaid mook tote
Clockwise from upper left:
- Bodyline bat bag
- Bodyline Antique Clock tote
- Fanplusfriend tote
L to R:
- ReStyle Catherdral Rosette window bag
- ReStyle Edgar Allen Poe book bag
Top row:
- Sweet Mildred seashell bag
- Aldo clock bag
- Offbrand chocolate bag
Middle row:
- Etsy The Neverending Story book pochette
- Offbrand macaron pochette with macaron coin purse
- Offbrand coffin bag
Bottom row:
- Loungefly Frozen dome bag
- h.Naoto FRILL messenger bag
Socks and Shoes
Top row:
- Angelic Pretty Royal Chocolate OTKs
- Alice and the Pirates A/P Lace Up OTKs
- Alice and the Pirates Trick Hat, Pricked Heart OTKS
- Alice and the Pirates Arabesque Lame OTKs
- Alice and the Pirates Princess Rose OTKs
- Alice and the Pirates Swan Lake ~Ephemeral Tears~ OTKs
Bottom row:
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Fairlaine ankle socks
- Alice and the Pirates Teatre de l'erreur ~Lost Paradise~ tights
L to R:
- Innocent World rose OTKs [name unknown]
- Innocent world OTKs [name unknown]
- Innocent World Romantic Rose OTKs
- Grimoire Verum Un ange tights
Offbrand socks and tights
Baby the Stars Shine Bright Heart velour pumps
All Bodyline
Petticoats and Bloomers
L to R:
- Metamorphose lucky pack bloomers
- Handmade velveteen bloomers
Top row: Bodyline panniers
Bottom row: offbrand pannier
Malco Modes tea length chiffon petticoat
Malco Modes tulle and crinoline petticoat [this is so poofy it should just be called a cloud]
L to R:
- Innocent World Chiffon short sleeve bolero
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Embroidered Toe Shoes bolero
- Alice and the Pirates Rose embroidery cardigan
L to R:
- Bodyline L109 crown cardigan
- Bodyline P033 vest
- Bodyline L238 rabbit hoodie
FanplusFriend Beyond the End of Time corset
L to R:
- Angelic Pretty fur capelet
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Bunny ears coat OP
L to R:
- Alice and the Pirates Angelina coat
- Bodyline coat
Parasols and Umbrellas
L to R:
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Petit Ribbon umbrella
- Lumiebre Refle umbrella
- Lumiebre Rose Baiser umbrella with case
Top row:
- Angelic Pretty Loyal Unicorn necklace
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Re-ci-pe for the Endless Dream rosary necklace
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright novelty crown necklace
Bottom row:
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Key to the Heaven bracelet
- Angelic Pretty Violin Chocolate ring
- Innocenrt World heart ring
- Baby the Stars Shine Bright Sweetest Princess earrings
Top: Baby the Stars Shine Bright wristcuffs [no official name; given as gifts at Tokyo Rebel]
Bottom: Baby the Stars Shine Bright Innocent Berry wristcuffs
Top row:
- The Snow Field Black Crow wristcuffs
- Offbrand lace gloves
Bottom row:
- Arm covers from Claire's
- Chocomint 2 way star clip
And that's it! Thank you for looking and have a happy New Year! : D