SPN 8x11

Jan 24, 2013 01:24

What a fun episode! This was like the Plucky Pennywhistle equivalent for this season, pretty silly but in a good way. It had been a while since I thoroughly enjoyed ALL of an episode from beginning to end, from the fantastically gruesome death in the opening to the hilarious sheriff, to pretty much all of the supporting characters, to the ending that made me smile like moron. And Charlie! I love her. :D I'm glad she's still around and I really hope she'll be back! I enjoyed her talks with Dean a lot, actually. She's a good sounding board and she doesn't seem to have a filter, it's great. Also, Dean shooting his gun to scare the LARPers was one of my favourite Dean moments in a long time. It was a really good Dean episode, actually.

I was also pleased that they didn't really ridicule the LARPers and made it seem genuinely fun, and I love that Dean nerded out about it. For all that Dean likes to call Sam a nerd, really he's the one who's a total fanboy over geeky things, who references nerdy pop culture, and gets excited about costumes. He's such a closet geek. :D Sam's ridiculous costume at the end made me cackle a bit hysterically, and his ponytail kinda made up for his lack of costume for the rest of it.

"Is that the speech from--"
"It's the only one he knows." <3333333333

I was worried that they'd completely drop the ball and ignore the events from last week's episode, but they didn't, they addressed them even if it wasn't the focus of the episode. As far as silly comedy episodes go, this one worked a lot better for me than Hunteri Heroici. Well done, show.

In other news, my BB is now at 7.2K and I'm just getting started. >.< I know exactly where I'm going with it though, which is rare for me! I was tempted to write more of it tonight but I should really go to bed.

fandom, writing, supernatural

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