-Everything about the mytharc, omg, I really don't care about the tablets. I cared more about the leviathans and I didn't really care about the leviathans.
-Grown tired of Crowley (though that extreme zoom on his face cracked me the hell up)
-I hate hate haaaaaaaaaaaaaaate that they made Amelia cheat on her husband with Sam. I hate infidelity and I am annoyed at both of them for it. Also, their dialogue was so painfully awkward that I couldn't even enjoy bare-chested Sammy.
But! I did like the Sam/Dean scenes a lot, their conflict is painful but it feels real. Also, how sad is it that Sam imagined Amelia dying like Jess, even though Azazel is long gone? Poor Sammy.;___;
And the end was a real punch in the feelings, in a good way. I felt sorry for both poor doomed Benny AND for Amelia (even though I dislike Amelia, despite my best efforts), and I felt bad for Sam & Dean having to give up those relationships. BUT THEY DID. They chose each other, even though they can't stand each other right now! Even though they don't even really like each other at this point. I find it kind of heartbreaking, what they are willing to sacrifice, but it pleases my dark shipper heart so much cause I like them dysfunctional and wrapped around each other even when they are miserable. Urf I really liked that last scene of them eating together and not talking, both probably aware of what they just gave up and knowing that was the only choice they could make, when it comes down to it. MY BOYSSSSSSSS. I do hope that they can fix their relationship by the end of the season, though.
Oh, and I was hoping for an actual Sam/Cas scene when he appeared on that bench! Alas, no, Sam & Cas are still not allowed to have scenes together more than... idk, once a year. But I was glad that Cas came to get him. <3 Poor Cas. I don't really care about Naomi or the shady angel storyline, but I did feel bad for him being forced to kill his little bro.
Oh, and who was Crowley's assistant, the demon doing the torturing?? We've seen him before, haven't we? I can't remember if it was as a different character or not but he looked really familiar.