They are huge elm trees! Dave has his work cut out for him. Is Dave going to have boards made out of the tree trunks? Does he know of anyone that has a portable sawmill?
My dad probably planted these trees around 1935. But they are getting old and starting to fall over all by themselves. They are a danger now. Dave is going to try and make boards with the logs. He has his own portable sawmill. He sawed most all the wood for the recent chicken coop addition he made and for his garden shed with it.
It's always sad to lose a tree, but they do get dangerous. My parents cut down one of their backyard trees a few summers ago and the timing was good because there was fall windstorm that would have easily brought it down :\
These were trees that seemed to spread out a lot so they gathered a lot of light and grew thick trunks fast. But the fact that they spread out so far made their limbs weak too.
That's true. Trees are like entities and the longer they live the more presence they have...
Elm trees do spread a lot and seem to make good shade. These ones were starting to lose branches and it was getting dangerous to be under them. This year they put out a HUGE amount of seeds. It was kind of amazing. Maybe they sensed their end was near.
My dad planted these trees around 1935 or so. He always called them Chinese Elms.
That is a great insight into why your lawns were healthy while the trees were there. The extra shade protected them from blazing sun!
So glad Dave is in the pictures. I don't think I would have realized how large the fallen trees were without something to compare them to. That must have been quite the storm. FanSee
They are right beside high tension electric wires so it's good they didn't go down in a storm. The power line people cut them down as preventive medicine.
Comments 11
It's always sad to lose a tree, but they do get dangerous. My parents cut down one of their backyard trees a few summers ago and the timing was good because there was fall windstorm that would have easily brought it down :\
That's true. Trees are like entities and the longer they live the more presence they have...
My dad planted these trees around 1935 or so. He always called them Chinese Elms.
That is a great insight into why your lawns were healthy while the trees were there. The extra shade protected them from blazing sun!
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