Aug 26, 2010 21:05
Oh, dear~
I seem to have misplaced my purse on a park bench. But I can't remember what park.
...I don't need a wallet or a phone, do I~?
Aug 13, 2010 12:17
Oh, I very much miss my h o m e. Especially my gardens. I want to be outside and the parks here cannot compare...
Ah~ And Zephyrus? I am in the spare bedroom and will be sleeping there. Do leave me undisturbed, please?
!event #29,
Aug 03, 2010 21:29
H-uh. I knew everyone was disappearing but I thought maybe everyone just got l o s t.
Are we all lost here, then? In New York Ci-ty~? Is my husband lost with us? I could not find him at home.