Farenheit 101

Apr 24, 2003 10:16

Ugh. Throat still feels like it's swollen shut- I have to ice it down with a popsicle or some ice cream before I can eat anything substantial. But at least I was actually hungry this morning, and most of my stranger symptoms have subsided or disappeared. Fever's all the way down to 100.1- not much of a fever, really, but my normal temp is around ( Read more... )

toys, travel, portland, ezra, work, freelance, sick, california, seattle, aaron, coyote, friendship, depression, love, indigo girls

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Comments 7

freeko April 24 2003, 09:08:42 UTC
I live in Rosendale, NY not rosedale its okay many packages from Rosedale, Ny end up in Kingston, NY in the UPS system. But if you are not sick I am going to be at Beltane. But I am driving my sweetie to the Albany Airport the next day. Anyway sorry about that with your friend. I mean even if I disagree with someone such as the unwillingness to take on difficult conversations or may have personality flaws that are odd. I still respect them and love them, flaws and all.


eetmewithtoast April 24 2003, 09:38:12 UTC
Thanks. I'll see you there if I recover in time. :)


i'm milo? doctorellisdee April 24 2003, 09:58:44 UTC
uh... okay.


Re: i'm milo? eetmewithtoast April 24 2003, 11:26:39 UTC
Not really. I thought I was drawing Milo, then I looked down on it and saw I was really drawing you.

It's certainly not the best portrait (or even cartoon) I could do of you, but I think it'd amuse you.


:) cabaretgirl April 24 2003, 10:04:46 UTC
just remember its all temporary. your period of sickness will pass :)

ya know it's funny to read your journal, because I can really see how sometimes we are SOOOO alike, and it's refreshing to read something I would write (and have)


Re: :) eetmewithtoast April 24 2003, 11:31:26 UTC
I feel 200% better than I was yesterday. Tomorrow I might even leave the house. (If it were warm, I could even go for a short walk today.)

Yeah, if you slipped chunks of this entry into your journal, noone would know it wasn't yours. I felt some of the rage and despair that you articulate when you're sick, too. I cried for shame yesterday, to be so weak I couldn't even hug my lover. But today I can read and look at a computer screen! It's passing. It may not be gone as soon as I want it to, but I'm sure I'll be healthy next week. Unless I picked up galeogirl's never-ending cold! I hope not.


friode April 24 2003, 21:15:47 UTC
You know, if the crush that we've been talking about in a friends-only item in my livejournal works out, I'm going to be able to say ``you know how I always used to say that I wanted an SO who was female, and an SO who was a computer geek? Well, I've figured out that they don't have to be the same person ( ... )


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