Eerie, Indiana fanfiction: Parallel

Oct 04, 2015 00:01

Written for Day 4 of the 31_days October challenge. The prompt was "Hold it."

Crossover with Hocus Pocus, and could be considered a companion piece for Three.

"Hold it!"

Marshall Teller set his feet a little further apart and leaned the full weight of his body against the heavy door of the walk-in kiln that he hadn't even known BF Skinner Junior High was equipped with. Inside, the Sanderson Sisters screamed and banged on the doors, uttering threats and curses and, in Sarah's case, some promises that were wholly inappropriate to direct at a thirteen year old boy.

"This'll definitely work, right?" he yelled over the noise.

"I dunno!" Max Dennison screamed back. "It didn't work the last time!"


"I said it didn't wo-"

"I heard you! I mean, what are we doing this for if you already know it doesn't work?"

Max glared. "I didn't see you coming up with any better ideas!"

"These aren't even my witches!"

"This isn't even my world!"

Sat on the clay-encrusted worktable, trying to keep his tail out of the general debris, Binx muttered something that sounded very like "fucking idiots", then hastily began grooming himself when Danni stared at him in shock.

"Wait," said Marshall, holding up a hand for quiet. "I don't hear anything. I think.. I think they're dead."

The two boys peered through the murky glass window into the dark interior of the kiln.

"Yeah, that's what happened last time," said Max. "They burned up and turned into smoke and then reformed and came after us again."

Marshall gave him a dirty look.

"That," he said slowly. "Was spectacularly unhelpful. I can't believe you're another world's version of me."

"I'm older," said Max. "Technically, you're your world's version of me."

"Technically, you're both morons," said Binx.

"I'm pretty sure we have a version of him aswell," said Mars with a sigh.

"That sucks," said Max. Marshall nodded.

"I will scratch your faces off," said Binx.

"He says that all the time," Max whispered. Then, louder, "Anyway, we should get to your house. The first thing the witches did after I set them on fire was come after Danni."

They stole a car (because of course they did) and sped back to the Teller's house, just in time to hear Syndi scream "Get out, creeps!", followed by the sounds of the washing up basin being thrown, and three voices exclaiming in horror that they were melting, melting, oh what a world.

"Your sister's pretty badass," said Max, admiringly.

"Get out, creep!" shouted Marshall.

char: mars, external challenge: 31 days, non-canon: hocus pocus, char: syndi, comm event: prompt/challenge, a: froodle, fanworks: fic

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