Eerie, Indiana fanfiction: Model Railway

Sep 30, 2016 18:54

“Opening soon!” said the beige and brown sign over the former antique shop. “Come visit Eerie’s first ever model railway museum! Admission free for under-twelves.”

Behind the soap-smeared bay window, workmen passed in a shadowed blur. The thin whine of a drill-bit emerged from a half-ajar door and the sporadic sound of hammer blows punctuated the early-morning stillness.

Marshall Teller, aspiring professional weirdness investigator, observed the proceedings from across the street. Steam rose from a meat pastie that was already turning its paper wrapping translucent with grease, and he struggled to juggle the hot pastry alongside his camera.

“I’m not sure about this, Simon,” he said. “It just looks like some goofy train-nerd exhibit to me.”

Simon pulled the crumpled newspaper advert from his jeans pocket and straightened it out as best he could. It was circled in pink highlighter, and a little frayed at the edges where it had been neatly clipped from last week’s Eerie Examiner. One corner was torn where Mars had snatched it off the family refrigerator earlier that morning.

“I know, Mars,” he said quietly. “I actually left it there for your dad.”

“Oh,” said Mars. Then, suddenly awkward: “Oh.”

For a long moment, the boys stood in uncomfortable silence.

“I mean,” Marshall added, “Miniature stuff is pretty suspicious when you think about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if those disappearances at the Eerie Industrial Park had something to do with people being kidnapped and miniaturised and used as slave labour to build tiny trains.”

Simon gave him a sidelong look, but didn’t say anything.

“And I haven’t touched a train set since I was three,” Marshall continued, his expression darkening at the memory of that terrible Christmas. “So infiltrating the enemy stronghold would be difficult without proper cover.” He stole a glance at Simon, who looked away quickly, his face an immobile mask of neutrality.

“Yes,” said Marshall, nodding along as though Simon had spoken. “I think the best thing would be if you and my old man go in there and discreetly spy on the bad guys. I’ll wait in the park across the street in case you need help.”

“Okay,” said Simon.

“Okay,” said Mars. “Dad’ll probably be up by now. We should hurry back and recruit him to the cause.”

“Undercover is my life,” said Simon.

Trusted Associates, Inc.

Halloween by froodle, in which Mars and Simon celebrate a Von Orloff-free All Hallows Eve

Surprise by froodle, in which Mars tries to make sure Simon's birthday goes a little better this year

The Glade by froodle, in which Simon and Mars visit a place that only exists on February 29th

Egg Hunt by froodle, in which Simon and Mars partake of some traditional Easter activities

Boardwalk by froodle, in which Simon and Mars are swayed by radio advertising

Lady in Red by froodle, in which Simon experiments on the old-fashioned radio in the Secret Spot, and horror ensues

Waiting In by froodle, in which there is an ice-storm and a handyman does not arrive

Seafoam by froodle, in which Simon and Marshall go to the seaside

A Night at the Circus by froodle, in which a carnivale comes to town, and Marshall and Simon do not enjoy themselves

Taking a Break by froodle, in which Simon and Marshall enjoy some much-needed R&R

Shoreline by froodle, in which Simon and Marshall investigate strange happenings on the shores of Lake Eerie

Parade by froodle, in which Mars takes issue with the Eerie Beekeepers Association's choice of mascot

Homestead by froodle, in which Marshall finally gets something useful out of shop class

Hound by froodle, in which Simon makes a friend

Errands by froodle, in which Simon has a to-do list

Slyboots by froodle, in which a certain corporal of the infernal regions comes to Eerie. Crossover with Johannes Cabal the Necromancer.

Waterlogged by froodle, in which Eerie experiences heavy rainfall

Festival by froodle, in which Eerie's local businesses celebrate the summer

Strawberry by froodle, in which there is unauthorised hubbub in Eerie

Wildlife by froodle, in which Simon and Marshall go to the beach

Facilities by froodle, in which the Eerie Bus Station and Supper Club has a problem with the men's toilet

Anticipation by froodle, in which Simon and Harley look forward to the Equinox

Castle by froodle, in which there is unexpected architecture in Eerie

Visitor in which Marshall's grandma comes to stay

Euclid by froodle, in which Marshall and Simon investigate strange events at the Eerie Cemetery

The Hut by froodle, in which Simon takes on the forces of Eerie solo

ongoing verse: trusted associates inc, fanworks: ongoing verse, a: froodle, fanworks: fic, ep: marshalls theory of believability, char: mars, char: edgar, char: simon

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