(no subject)

Aug 12, 2011 01:46

So this is just a little baby fanfiction I wrote for the Home challenge at Small Fandoms Flashfiction.

Title: Halloween
Author: Froodle
Fandom: Eerie, Indiana
Genre/Rating: G, as in Gen
Wordcount: 458
Pairing/Characters: Mars, Simon, the Tellers
Crossposted: Eerie Indiana, Retro TV, my LJ and of course, Small Fandom Flashfiction.
Notes/Warnings: none
Summary: Marshall and Simon celebrate Halloween

This year, Marshall declares himself too old to go Trick or Treating. His dad rents a bunch of old black-and-white horror movies for the boys and provides them with a large batch of blue raspberry-flavoured popcorn - the latest experimental foodstuff to come out of Things Incorporated. Marilyn kisses Mars and Simon goodbye and she and Edgar drive away into the night, holding hands and giggling about Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Syndi’s Halloween costume is supposed to be a witch. Marshall points out that her short, tight imitation-leather skirt is going to make riding any broomsticks impractical and she looks outraged and calls him a pervert before she leaves to go to some seniors-only party in some corn field in the middle of nowhere that Marshall didn’t want to go to anyway, even if he had been invited.

They take the batteries out of the remote control, then, on further consideration, hide the remote control upstairs in the Evidence Locker. Harley isn’t spending the evening with them this year, but they don’t want to take any chances.

Godzilla and Mothra are still in their tanks, still on Day-Glo-coloured rocks, and presumably still crazy. Marshall got an F that semester; it turns out there is no widely-acceptable test for measuring insanity in lizards.

The blue raspberry-flavoured popcorn proves about as appetising as every other snack food Things Incorporated tries to market. Marshall dumps it in the trashcan outside and layers a few old newspapers over the top of it. He figures not recycling them is a small price to pay for sparing his Dad’s feelings.

They make sandwiches instead (there is half a bowl of mac-and-cheese in the fridge, but neither of them has been able to handle leftovers in a long time) and settle down for an evening in the company of Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee.

When Syndi comes home, long after curfew, she finds the two boys asleep on the sofa, Brides of Dracula playing on the television. After a brief attempt to find the remote proves futile, she switches the television and the VCR off at the socket and covers her brother and his friend with a throw from the back of an armchair.

Then, because there are certain rules that all older siblings must adhere to, she draws a curly moustache on the side of Marshall’s face not currently glued to the sofa cushion with drool, and sneaks upstairs to bed.

In the morning, Marshall will yell at her and she will deny everything, and they will eat cornflakes and make appalled faces at each other as their parents share affectionate glances over the breakfast table, and Simon will sit quietly and try not resent his best friend for having such a home.

eerie indiana, i made this

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