Autumn came, the wise woman//A crown of fire on her hair

Sep 12, 2010 23:20

Characters: Huo/Zhuge Liang (getsome_sleep) and Hawk/Kouei (crimson_seeker)
Date/Time: September 11, evening
Location: Hogwarts Wilderness, the Forbidden Forest
Rating: PG?
Summary: It's a good night for thestral-taming.


It was the prospect of flying, Hawk admitted to himself.

This madcap Wilderness that had sprung up at the start of the month the Sphere termed September was the most agreeable he'd yet seen. The changing environments both unsettled him and tugged at his curiosity. This time the latter impulse had won out.

Then Huo had mentioned that the strange, winged beasts might be ridden, and something had fallen into place. One way or another, flight was one of those frustrating concepts he found himself following for some prompt or clue about what or who he had once been.

If it came in the form of carnivorous riding animals, then so be it. With several cuts of meat wrapped in paper tucked in his bag, he made his way to Access Point. Making the trip down alone inevitably meant straying from the elevator, so he settled to wait for Huo. A quick poke through his bag ensured he had brought the necessary supplies (he had yet to find a flashlight for sale in the Bazaar, but the search would continue).

As he adjusted the strap of the bag, he spotted Huo making his way across the bridge, and lifted his hand in a casual greeting.

"Evening. Looks like there's something of a wind up, but the sky should be clear at least. Did you find a bridle?"

red cliff: kongming (huo), tenryu: kouei (hawk)*

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