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Comments 230

British House, 7:32 am, 6/21 esoteric_rose June 21 2010, 23:01:12 UTC
Juliet slowly woke up, the sleep departing from him and a useless dream ending. Something felt different...but what? He was still him, not aged around or anything else stupid.

Turning over, he realized what it was, the color draining from his face and then instantly returning to give him a blush. There was a person with him. This was...Mr. Paladin, he'd seen him before. Why in bloody hell was he in his bed...and shirtless? What had happened last night? He was sure he had gotten to sleep by himself, so unless he'd been slipped some drug, he had no explanation.

Inching back and sitting up, he just stared at the sleeping man, unsure whether to scream, push him out, or wake him up.


British House, 7:32 am, 6/21 mythgravenblade June 21 2010, 23:38:21 UTC
There was no dream for Paladin to be stirred from--just as well by him. After Silent Hill, if he ever dreamed again it would be too soon. He'd staggered in to his own home--at what time he knew not--and made straight for his own bed. A persistent voice in his own mind nagged at him to clean the axe properly, to shower first, but he disregarded it. He could buy new clothes, new sheets, a new mattress if it came down to that, he had a medic's paycheck, he could afford to be selfish this time...

And now, he was finding himself stirred from sleep--unwillingly; had he his way he would have slept for the next several hours--by something. By the fact that what he was laying on was inclining towards another weight, by the sound of breathing, by the fact that when one arm flopped outwards it touched something living and movingWhat he pushed off on--Juliet, the mattress, or perhaps just thin air itself--he would probably never know--only that he was airborne almost instantly, and seconds later crashing onto the floor, dragging half the ( ... )


esoteric_rose June 21 2010, 23:55:49 UTC
Juliet instantly reached out to get his glasses, pulling his hair through the chain loop and setting them on his face, trying to rationalize this, and regain the voice tone he normally used. "...My question exactly."

Sighing, he reviewed his memories. "...I suppose good morning isn't exactly appropriate, Mr. Paladin."


mythgravenblade June 22 2010, 00:51:08 UTC
"...Juliet?" Paladin said, and he could feel the adrenaline ebbing. Glancing around, he could see that while he wasn't in his own home, he also wasn't in Silent Hill anymore--this was clearly Juliet's room. He practically laughed in relief.

"I'm sorry--so sorry, Juliet," Paladin stifled the relief somewhat, as Juliet couldn't know why he felt that way, and pulled the blanket up to his chest modestly as he sat up. "I--I'm afraid I don't know what's going on."


Gene's flat: Monday 7:03 am (6/21) live_ringer June 22 2010, 00:03:46 UTC
When Gene started to groggily emerge from the embrace of a sound sleep, the first thing that his not-completely-functional brain registered was that it was hot. That was to be expected when it was June and there was no air conditioning, but this went beyond that. He practically couldn't breathe... though, that probably had a great deal to do with the weight on his chest. He cracked one eye open to see what the heck it could be and froze. Then he opened the other eye just to be sure. And blinked repeatedly for good measure.

Fred was on top of him. In his bed. And he could not for the life of him remember why that would be. Though his mind did immediately jump to some colorful conclusions. 'Just how much did I drink last night?'He didn't have much time to register that he logically would have had a killer hangover in such a situation before he noticed there were other warm bodies wedged right up against him like sardines in a can. He looked to his left on the side closest to the wall and saw... Grift?! Generally, if he took someone ( ... )


localdisaster June 22 2010, 00:05:05 UTC
Whatever Broom was sleeping on was far more uncomfortable than the bed in his room, he discovered as he started to wake up. He tried rolling over, but that really didn't help, whatever he was on top of was really bony. That alone was depriving him of any extra sleep, but the odd groaning he heard basically guaranteed that he couldn't stay asleep now.

"Where did I..." His mumbling trailed off when he looked down and realized he had someone's legs draped over his chest. A woman's? Looking to the side confirmed that his pillow was actually someone else's legs, a man this time, and... he was pretty sure he was on top of a lot of people, he realized shortly after. A lot of people he was sure he'd never met before!

"GAH!" But Broom couldn't hardly even climb out of the bed without putting his hands down on someone, and he didn't want to wake them up! So he only flailed for a moment, frantically, knocking one of his feet loudly against the nearby table. He went still again after that, whimpering faintly from the pain.

About the only ( ... )


burntorangesky June 22 2010, 00:51:59 UTC
Normally Fred wasn't much of a heavy sleeper, but it had been a rough week. And her current 'bed' was, from her still-mostly asleep perspective, extremely comfortable. She didn't even mind how warm it was... though it was awfully warm, wasn't it?

It wasn't until Gene swore, practically right in her ear, that she really understood she was somewhere that wasn't her bed, or even her room for that matter. Her eyes popped open--and looked straight into Gene's. And then she stared for almost a full second as her brain caught up to the fact that he was lying under her--no, I am lying on top of him--and this was most definitely not her room ( ... )


grinninggrifter June 22 2010, 03:58:56 UTC
Grift blinked himself muzzily awake, drifting closer to the heat source until said heat source swore and the bed broke. He jolted himself upward, looking all about himself in confusion.

"Wha' the fu--Gene? No, that... what?"

Usually he minded his language around women, but as he was now, he didn't quite notice the women yet, only the fact that he was in bed with three other men which was a more pressing matter than the women. Snuffling, he pulled the covers over his bare chest - his undergarments still on, thank God - and rubbed at one eye. "Somebody tell me what the fuck's happening. Christ. I need clothes."


Stoneface's Residence: Monday morning, 7:15 AM stonyfaced June 22 2010, 02:44:29 UTC
After last night, Stoneface had simply stripped off his armor and his shirt so that he no longer felt as if he was standing in a cesspool of filth and fell into bed, covers off and Nobby tucked away in his bed at the foot of the bed. He was still covered in remnants of blood and probably smelled very bad - he couldn't tell, the remnants of Silent Hill's odour still fresh in his nose - but found himself unable to care about anything other than sleep. And when he did sleep, it was a blissful, dreamless one. Now, things didn't seem nearly as cheerful, on account of there being three complete strangers lying in his bed. At first, the warmth didn't seem entirely unfamiliar, but then he realized that those in bed with him were most definitely not in possession of a wagging or a slobbery tongue ( ... )


dwn_infinite June 22 2010, 03:26:20 UTC
Moments like these reminded Zero that he was better off requiring minimal sleep.

One moment, the straight day of tireless searching in the Wilderness- as well as the frantic escape from one of those armor-husk-things- bid him grant himself but a moment's peace to close his eyes and scan himself for errors. But before one could say "Windows Vista," he awoke from hibernation again in a strange, unfamiliar place... thankfully, this one wasn't silent hill.

Unfortunately, Stoneface's bed wasn't that much better. Zero groaned, sitting upright and resting a chin in a palm almost indignantly. "Your guess is as good as mine. I'm Zero... I'm with the adventurers."

Ugh. Even worse, it was getting crowded beneath these sheets. "First time the wilderness has even spat me out."


gene_driver June 22 2010, 05:09:37 UTC
After being rescued by Nova from that one particular incident, Lance only wanted to refocus on his original objective and perform his duty as a Scavenger. The last thing he wanted was to wake up in a random place, like what happened a few days ago.

Unfortunately for him, it happened anyways.

Hearing someone shout snapped him out of his sleep and he slowly sat up, blinking when he noticed some random guy sitting next to him in bed. ......What was going on? He has never seen him before, but this entire area looked unfamiliar to him. Lance looked ahead and noticed another male, except he was standing up with a crossbow pointing at him.

".....I was originally at my own residence, I did not arrive here on my own or by will." He figured that he should explain something at least. "I'm Scavenger Lance, though I was just recently recruited."


Prince has withdrawn from the thread, so it's just the three of us now stonyfaced June 24 2010, 07:07:33 UTC
Stoneface lowered the crossbow, frowning, but didn't show any sign of tossing it away. His natural sense of suspicion had kept him more or less alive for this long, and he wasn't about to abandon it now.

"One of the Sphere's tricks then, eh?" He raised a brow. "You'll want to be getting out of my bed mighty quick. It's pretty manky. I'd just gotten out of the Wilderness too."

He paused, then decided to introduce himself. "I'm Stoneface. Captain of the Watch."


FF Frathouse; 6:54 AM heretic_hamlet June 22 2010, 02:58:41 UTC
Reed murmured uncomfortably, trying to tug up his sheets to no avail as he slowly crossed the border from his dreams back to reality. Even then, his room had a dull light creeping across it from the window... The long days of summer meant earlier mornings, and these past few days he'd found himself rising- exhausted- with the sun ( ... )


notpissedoff June 22 2010, 03:49:55 UTC
Rain was in that comfortable half-sleeping state that preceded full wakefulness. He had assumed that the tugging at the sheets and the warmth of the bed were due to Reaper's blasted puppy, and had figured that the brat might go away if he ignored it for long enough.

When the light went on, however, Rain was instantly awake. When he heard an unfamiliar voice, he was very awake.

Automatically, his hand reached under the pillow for... damn it, it wasn't there! He always slept with a kunai under his pillow... but this wasn't his pillow.

Casting off the sheets, he was on his feet in the blink of an eye, his body tense, his gaze darting around the room. He... had no idea where he was. Or how he could have gotten here. Or who these people were. His eyes narrowed.

"What in the hell."


exarmatio June 22 2010, 03:59:15 UTC
The extra warmth in his bed hadn't been what had woke him. Somehow, that was oddly familiar, even when he lived alone, when he had never shared a bed with anyone in Edensphere.

No, what finally woke Magi was the sudden, bright light.

His closed eyes squinted, a tiny noise of disapproval escaping his throat as he turned a little, burying his face into the pillow. It was his off day today, he wanted to get at least a little bit of sleep in... Too bad that loud voice woke him enough for his eyes to snap open. And holy crap, did he scramble upright. Fast.



heretic_hamlet June 22 2010, 05:28:18 UTC
"How did you--"

Reed carefully smoothed out his blue nightclothes, just as quickly rising out of bed and staring incredulously at his two 'intruders.' His mind raced through the possibilities: It couldn't have been a night of drinking... Milk didn't do such things, and he'd have noticed if they'd attempted to sneak in at night. It almost defied all reason.

And that was just the tree's style.

Though once the shock had passed, he took another glance at his strange bedfellows. No wonder they all woke up so feverish and hot; those strange clothes they wore were clearly made for protection, not comfort. Maybe even combat training- he'd seen such things before, he was sure of it.

No, no... he had far more important questions to ask. He breathed out a sigh, his tone mellowing to irritation. "I suppose neither of you know how this came to pass."


Sylvar's house, predawn cathar_jedi June 22 2010, 03:48:54 UTC
Sylvar had bad dreams more often than good ones, although she rarely remembered much of them. In this one she was pursued by shadowed people who reached for her, pawed at her, and she could not escape them. In her sleep she twitched and grimaced, sometimes opening her mouth but never making a sound. She slept fitfully -

- and woke instantly at the electrifying touch of a body lying against hers. Her eyes opened to find her face far too close to that of a shirtless human she'd never seen before.

For an endless moment she did nothing, all of the fine hairs on her body standing out, paralyzed by sudden shock and fear, hearing only her breathing becoming harsh and quick, though it remained all but silent. His breath was unpleasant, which didn't help. Had she not been dreaming, if she hadn't been having that dream, she might have lashed out instantly. Kicked him physically, shoved him back and away in the Force ( ... )


illusionates June 22 2010, 04:55:04 UTC
Awkward and panic would be spared on Rise's end. Although not a heavy sleeper, neither the presence of another body nor the subtle movements had been enough to wake him. His subconscious mind drifted through images of falling lotus petals and faint static over a woman's voice murmuring something indistinct--the usual dream ( ... )


cathar_jedi June 22 2010, 05:20:13 UTC
Her only warning was a slight twitch in the Force. It didn't tell her that man who was in your bed is about to appear suddenly right here. More like something will happen right here. She sprang back away as he appeared and dropped to the ground with a thud ( ... )


illusionates June 22 2010, 05:57:56 UTC
A woman's voice. It was unexpected, but it didn't entirely throw him off either.

That was when he noticed it.

It. He couldn't possibly explain it ( ... )


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