Characters: OPEN
Date/Time: ALL DAY Friday, October 23
Location: Everywhere and anywhere
Rating: varied, likely
Summary: Mistletoe shenanigans.
Notes: Scath here. With mod approval, I'm throwing this up for the use of those whose mistletoe encounters might not merit a separate log. Threads can be done in quick or standard log format, as you
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She'd stopped by to give him the files she'd found most interesting, but that just meant it was time to press on with her search. They'd have to meet and discuss things once Justice had had a chance to review her findings-perhaps what was in the files and what he and Truth had read in the journals could supplement each other.
There was plenty to do, but she took the long way around the Park before heading too the jump-off point; a little fresh air would be nice before shutting herself away in the ruins for hours.
[I figure she's most likely to get caught in the Park, but if you're one of the few who goes Library searching, feel free to grab her there too!]
She caught his nod and returned it, smiling briefly. She looked up, as if admiring the changing autumn foliage. "Nice day," she said, a little awkwardly. Damn. What was the right thing to say in a situation like this?
But for now they were pretty.
"Yes, it is," he agreed, for simplicity's sake.
And Kazahana still wasn't leaving.
"A bit cooler out, now," he ventured, fully aware that his type of small talk would only last him a few sentences. Damn. Why wasn't she leaving?
He stalked through the marketplace, a scowl etched deep into his expression, his eyes narrowed against the cold wind. He was planning on grabbing a drink at Smoke's before he started his guard shift, and he was damned if he was gonna let anyone stop him.
That's why, when he passed the scruffy man going the opposite way in the market, he didn't even sigh when he felt the tug of the mistletoe stop him. He simply halted and turned to face the man.
It was always amusing to see people's reactions.
As he leaned over, murmuring a question to his hallucination as he inspected a some greenery. As he took a step back from the stall, he felt himself brush someone striding along. "Ah- I'm sorry--"
Raise blinked, unable to move back on his way, before sighing. "...Not again."
The only interruption had been from Kazahana, delivering a selection of old medical records from the Library, along with her neatly written notes on the significant point of interest. These were now scattered across the low table in front of the couch upon which Justice had settled himself, legs pulled up and another file open beside him.
He barely even looked up at the sound of the door being unlocked, merely noting absently that it must e later than he thought if Truth was back from his shift at the Hatchery.
The smile he offered in return was perfunctory at best, and he reached forward to shuffle the loose papers on the table back inside their file. That particular discovery was not something he wished to discuss with Truth - not now. He knew exactly how the the mention of that name troubled him, although Justice did not know why, any more than he knew why he was troubled by it himself. There was an uncomfortable sense that it was connected with his father, somehow, and that was not a topic he had attempted to traverse with Truth since that day in the Wilderness. It was possible that the man had forgotten it entirely, and partof him still wished that were true, although he could not bring himself to ask ( ... )
"No, I didn't." And he half-rolled his eyes. "Just get over here, Justice."
And he walked forward until he was standing close enough to reach out and touch him.
"Come on, just give me a hug."
And with that, he let out a small chuckle.
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