[Open] Awkward confession time

May 15, 2009 13:24

Characters: Bridge handy_psychic, a brief cameo appearance by Spike blue_shields, and OPEN to anyone who wants to visit
Date/Time: May 15th, mid-day onward
Location: The temporary clinic, the Wilderness
Rating: G, may or may not need to raise
Summary: Bridge has a freakout after having a strange dream that's not his own and ends up in the infirmary. His friends may come to ( Read more... )

~hp: harry (prongs), ~ghost in the shell: motoko (doll), power rangers: bridge (brooklyn), power rangers: sky (spike), ~animorphs: tobias (nothlit), ~d.gray-man: allen (cross), ~ff6: relm (renae), ~power rangers: jack (ghost), ~hp: remus (wolf), ~ff8: selphie (lucy)

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Comments 91

about fifteen minutes after Spike departs lemonshine May 15 2009, 18:47:02 UTC
Speaking of Lucy, she was being bad. She just couldn't stay in bed and stare at the remains of the toast she'd finally eaten after some coaxing. Rest was the name of the game but she just didn't want to this time. She wasn't hurt, just a bit queasy as she encountered a friendly face in a sea of bug bites. She smiled and made her way over to Bridge, seating herself in a chair next to his bed. She still felt -- and looked -- a little green as she swallowed and tried not to think about her own experiences last night.

"Hey you," she said quietly. "Feeling better?"


handy_psychic May 15 2009, 19:23:22 UTC
Bridge pushed himself up on one arm and smiled slightly at Lucy, then looked down and played with a stray thread in his sheets.

"Hey," he replied. "...I guess I am. I don't really remember what happened last night. I don't even really remember making that entry or all those replies."


lemonshine May 15 2009, 19:29:47 UTC
She saw that look on his face and frowned. She wasn't exactly in the most energetic of moods today but she didn't want her friends to be upset or confused. Lucy just knew that something was wrong and maybe she couldn't fix it but she could always listen. Bridge looked like he needed to spill his guts. She'd been given a chance earlier to spill hers so it was only fair that she extend the offer.

"Hey... don't worry about it, okay? Everybody will understand," she said with a more confident smile. "Anyway, spill. What's wrong?"


handy_psychic May 15 2009, 19:35:38 UTC
Bridge looked at Lucy silently for a long while, thinking hard about what to say, then threw his covers off and sat up cross-legged on the bed, placing the heels of his hands on his face and rubbing vigorously. He then let his hands rest there.

"...I've been keeping something from you guys," he finally confessed, peering between his fingers at Lucy. "I know I shouldn't have, but I didn't want to worry anyone."


Shortly after Spike left lone_w0lf May 15 2009, 19:16:45 UTC
Wolf had a lot on his mind, in the aftermath of the dream he had had. So, in pursuit of solace and perhaps clearing out his mind, he left the temporary set up of beds in the Wilderness, and went for a walk. He was so lost in thought that his mind wasn't on where he was going, and so he ended up eventually near the infirmary.

Remembering some recent journal entries, Wolf decided to see if anyone he knew was in the infirmary. Perhaps they could use some company. Once inside, he spotted Bridge in one of the beds. Feeling concerned about him, and wondering what was wrong, Wolf walked over. He managed a smile and a wave, and said, "Hello, Bridge.. How are you doing?" Although, since the man was in the infirmary and lying down, he could not be doing too well, so he added, "I mean to say, is there anything I can do for you?"


handy_psychic May 15 2009, 19:25:54 UTC
Bridge sat up when Wolf approached and returned the wave.

"Hey, Wolf," he replied. "...I think I'm going to be OK, but thank you. I'm resting now- Spike's orders." He bit his lip, then pushed his sheets off and rubbed the back of his head. "I'm sorry if I worried you. And it seems like I'm not the only one who had a disturbing dream- how about you?"


lone_w0lf May 15 2009, 20:17:49 UTC
Wolf took a seat by Bridge's bed while listening to the man talk. Then he replied, "You look as though you deserve some rest. I'm not sure what happened, and I won't ask you about it unless you feel like telling me." He decided that letting Bridge decide what to do was the best option.

"About the dreams... Mine wasn't so much disturbing as it was sad and unfair. There was a man accused of being the reason for someone's death. From the sound of things, the person who died was a woman. I'm not sure who she was, or even whose dream I had." While he was talking about the dream, Wolf's expression became slightly more serious, and the smile from earlier disappeared.


handy_psychic May 15 2009, 20:29:22 UTC
"I appreciate it," he said quietly. "I'm not really sure where to start, to be honest with you. Having my powers is complicated sometimes... and it's really hard to explain them and what they can do to me."

He then listened to Wolf describing the dream.

"...That's got to be frustrating," he agreed. "Especially considering that you know it happened to someone else and there's nothing you can do aboutit. I don't like getting other peoples' dreams- it seems so invasive. It's the same reason I try to get permission from people before using my powers on them."


silver_antlers May 15 2009, 20:33:49 UTC
After a difficult morning of trying to fight off his sleep-depraved weariness, Prongs approached the temporary clinic slowly with his hands in his pockets. While it was true that he was extremely worried for Bridge, the young man was feeling the affects of of a night filled with uneasy dreams just like most people. He was still rather unsure about the dream that he had. So many horrible images were all mixed together that Prongs woke up right after it feeling sick to his stomache. He could take it, however- it was probably nothing compared to what Bridge was feeling right now.

Prongs peered through the entrance of the clinic area slowly as to not startle his friend. "Bridge?" he called out and entered, relieved when he saw the other man there.


handy_psychic May 15 2009, 20:40:20 UTC
"Moooooooooo," said Logan upon hearing Prongs approach, and he trotted forward, wagging his tail.

"Hey," Bridge replied to Prongs, giving a small wave. "How're you doing?" He seemed more well-rested, though there were still dark circles under his eyes, and a lot of his usual cheeriness had left him.


silver_antlers May 15 2009, 20:48:43 UTC
"Hey, boy," Prongs said, giving Logan the usual greeting by bending over and petting the robotic dog behind the ears. After a short moment of that he stood back up and moved over to Bridge's bed, sitting on it next to him.

"I'm fine, I guess. Tired and a bit shaken like a lot of people," he replied to Bridge with a sigh. He looked over at his friend and took in his appearance; it was really hard to see the normally joyful man like this and was a little more than depressing. Prongs looked away for a second saying, "The more important question is, how are you doing? Sounds like you... sounds like it was a rough night for you."


handy_psychic May 15 2009, 21:32:25 UTC
Logan mewed happily in response, then followed Prongs over to the bed and sat next to it, watching his two friends.

"You're definitely not alone there," Bridge said, then rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, it was. I'm alright NOW, but last night- I don't remember writing that journal entry and only kinda vaguely recollect Bastet bringing me here and me being given a sedative so I'd settle down." He closed his eyes briefly, then met Prongs' gaze. "I got this- this really strange dream, and it ended with a bunch of images crowding into my head all at once- crowding my senses. I really, truly thought that I was losing it, that my powers had gone nuts and my gloves had stopped working. I calmed down a little when Bastet and Raise told me that they were other peoples' dreams and that it's happened before, though."


nothlitbird May 15 2009, 21:12:35 UTC
Nothlit had been flying around, trying to make sense of the dream he had the previous night, and he spotted Bridge over in the clinic area. He waited for other people to leave, and then dove, breaking it just in time to be able to glide into a smooth landing on the headboard of the bed next to Bridge.

He asked.


handy_psychic May 15 2009, 21:36:46 UTC
Bridge was startled at Nothlit's appearance and jumped, but relaxed when he heard his friend's voice inside his head.

"Hey, Nothlit. Bad dream," he explained. "I'm sorry if I freaked you out. Well- I guess you've heard by now that we've all been getting other peoples' birth dreams, huh? I got one- one that ended with a bunch of images suddenly flowing into my mind all at once, and it felt like my head was going to explode. I honestly thought that something had happened with my powers and that I was going insane. I don't remember writing that journal entry at all."


nothlitbird May 15 2009, 23:00:41 UTC
Nothlit listened to Bridge, and then thought a moment.

I had was pretty freaky.> He debated over telling Bridge, and then decided that it probably couldn't hurt.

He turned his head to preen himself out of nervousness.

Nothlit fell quiet for a few long moments, before he 'spoke' again.


handy_psychic May 16 2009, 18:39:18 UTC
Bridge watched Nothlit and listened in silence, concern etched on his features.

"That does sound upsetting," he said quietly. "I can't believe that anyone would say something like that to you, though. It's good to know we're not alone in having had really upsetting dreams, at least."


artistic_spaz May 15 2009, 21:25:04 UTC
Renae reached the temporary clinic as soon as she could, pretty certain that she wouldn't be able to sleep again, anyway. It turned out that she wasn't the first there, and while she was glad that Bridge had such support, she was still anxious and impatient. What sort of dream could make him react like that?

She spent her time sketching, until she was pretty sure Bridge's other company had departed. Snapping her sketchbook shut, she headed over to the entrance and peered in, unable to hide her worry. "...Bridge?"


handy_psychic May 15 2009, 21:38:04 UTC
"Hey, Renae," he said, beckoning her forward. He was glad that he had so many visitors- it helped to discuss what had happened, because then he could begin to try and make sense of it. "...I'm sorry if I scared you... I don't remember making that journal entry last night."


artistic_spaz May 16 2009, 00:15:08 UTC
Renae stepped forward, a little relieved to see him awake and coherent. She managed a small smile, and shrugged. "It's not your fault, so you don't have to apologize. But, what happened? I know everyone's been having each other's dreams and all, but your reaction was a lot worse."


handy_psychic May 16 2009, 18:42:05 UTC
"It was my powers," said Bridge. "At the end of the dream I was having, there was a sudden rush of images into my head- it was really fast, but- my brain was taking in every detail. I didn't know until Bastet and Raise told me- I do remember their responses, because it brought me out of it a little- that we were all having others' dreams, so I honestly thought that something was wrong with my powers and that I was going insane."


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