And I'll be 'round again/Yes I'll walk in time with you, old friend

Sep 16, 2011 14:20

Characters: Simon pompous_today and Kagerou weaver_girl
Date/Time: September 17th, afternoon
Location: The movie theatre
Rating: PG
Summary: Simon and Kagerou go to the movie theatre, and each see an enligthening memory about each other.

Simon fidgeted as he waited for Kagerou near the bridge leading from Stuff Inc. to the movie theatre island. While he was happy to help the girl he thought of as a sister satiate her curiosity about the place, Simon himself was wary of going back there. He had witnessed something he was totally unprepared for when he and Inara had gone there, even if it WAS an answer he'd been seeking. He wasn't sure he wanted to risk finding out something else like that.

He then took a deep breath as remembering and missing Inara suddenly hurt. It had been a long time since his friend had disappeared, and while the pain had diminished over time, it still hadn't gone away. Times like this made him wish she was still here, that he had someone from his world that he wasn't as deeply intertwined with as he was with Qi to help him make sense of everything. Not that he didn't love his friends and the family that had practically adopted him here, but there were still things he hid from them that he wouldn't have from Inara.

She's gone, though, he reminded himself. It's not like you have much of a choice now. And you have to believe in and trust who you have.

And perhaps they wouldn't see HIS memories at all, he realized. He couldn't assume so- maybe this time he'd see one of Kagerou's memories. And not all of his had to be THAT bad...

So he stood and looked out over the emptiness below the islands instead, waiting.

bleach: orihime (kagerou), firefly/serenity: simon (will), !complete

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