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Comments 33

lynati_1 July 9 2010, 10:59:11 UTC
Sweet Jesus.

I'm glad *you're* okay. I can't even comment on the personal safety shit you're feeling right now. *cringes*

And ugh, I hope they manage to find the guy and get your stuff back...barring that, how familiar are you with the pawn shops in your area?


edenfalling July 9 2010, 11:20:54 UTC
In retrospect, it was pretty stupid to chase after the guy without even grabbing, I dunno, a hardcover book or something as a makeshift weapon. But I was not thinking clearly at all. I think I am going to be rather paranoid about funny noises for a while.

I don't have high hopes of the police finding the thief or my jewelry. So yeah, looking up local pawn shops is a good idea. *makes note*

I am going to have to call my landlords later this morning and report the burglary and the destruction of the Venetian blind. I am really not looking forward to that.


askerian July 9 2010, 12:01:04 UTC
oh my god.


that's so scary. and so fucking creepy, i mean, your underwear? Okay a lot of people hide valuables there actually so it might not have been with a creepy intent but still, UGH. I were you I'd trash them and go buy new ones, they're psychically dirty now. ~__~

i'm really sorry about all the sentimental value jewelry, though. That must really hurt. it's just plain awful to lose this kind of thing. I hope you can find them again.


edenfalling July 9 2010, 12:32:20 UTC
*clings* I have rarely been so completely freaked out as when I saw that man standing right there in my home, and then he ran into my bedroom. *twitch*

I think he was just looking for valuables in my dresser (and with the only light being the dim two-rooms-away glow of my lamp and computer, he probably couldn't see what he was doing very well), but still. It's my underwear. That I wear. Touching my body. *twitch* I'm not going to throw them out, but I think I will do a lot of laundry later today.

Weirdly, I am most upset about the rings and earrings. I think that is because I wear them every day -- I don't feel dressed if I go out without earrings and at least one ring. So again, it's the violation of losing things that have a strong connection to my body. I am also very upset about the necklace that belonged to Ardis, and the watch my parents gave me as a birthday present when I was young and didn't like wristwatches, but that's a more emotional/intellectual and less visceral reaction.


fateofshadow July 9 2010, 12:38:31 UTC
Oh my god, I'm so sorry! *hugs you hard* I've never been robbed in my lifetime but my parents have been. They still talk about how horrible it was to discover a large collection of Levi jeans and a jewelery box missing from their room one day, the window open and my elder brother asleep in his crib.

I can only imagine the level of violation you're feeling with such personal items missing and your underwear raked through (I really HATE these people!). I'm just really glad you're not hurt, he could have pulled a gun or knife on you *hugs you again*

And you should still get the window swept for fingerprints. Unless he was wearing gloves he WILL have left some and after yours are eleminated they can at least have this bastard's on record in case this happens to someone else. >:(


annearchy July 9 2010, 20:02:09 UTC
YES YES YES to getting the house dusted for fingerprints. You (Liz) can give them your prints so they can eliminate those prints from the mix. You would be surprised (maybe not) by the sophistication of fingerprint analysis these days. They might even be able to get prints or skin cells off some of the items he touched. < /forensics TV show geekery>


edenfalling July 10 2010, 02:59:31 UTC
The police may well have swept for fingerprints while I was at the station. I know they took photographs of the window.


autumnia July 9 2010, 13:19:16 UTC
Wow. I'm so sorry to hear of this, but I'm glad that you weren't injured. Even if most of what he took wasn't worth much retail value, I'm sad that there were pieces of sentimental value to you. And it's horrid to learn that he was rifling through such personal items.

I hope that the police will manage to find who he is and arrest of him. But it's more important that YOU were physically unharmed; that's all that truly matters.


edenfalling July 10 2010, 03:00:40 UTC
Thank you. I doubt the police will find the thief -- I couldn't give much of a useful description, and the jewelry he took is not the sort that will be readily identifiable if he tries to fence it (seeing as it's not worth much money). But yeah, mostly I'm just glad nothing worse happened.


rurounitriv July 9 2010, 13:56:50 UTC
Oh man. That's horrible. I hope that they can find your jewelry, and the bastard who took it. *hug*


edenfalling July 10 2010, 03:01:03 UTC
Thank you! *wraps self in hugs for psychic warmth*


rurounitriv July 10 2010, 03:38:02 UTC
*offers more hugs*


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