[Thread] Today, Things Are Gonna Change

May 22, 2008 17:59

Characters: AU Zim, OPEN
Where: The plaza, around the fountain
When: Directly after this
Summary: After getting beat up by Anemone, Zim wakes to find himself... in the fountain, face-first, curteousy of Jareth.
Warnings: It's Zim.

I'm not going to let Zim get away with...with...with the things he do! )

[invader zim] zim, location: plaza / fountain, [sonic:sega] rouge the bat

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Comments 75

consideritmine May 23 2008, 00:27:27 UTC
It looked like she didn't need to go all the way to the other apartment building after all! The little green transvestite that that strange girl had mentioned was right there, only a little ways away from her apartment. Messing around with the guy should provide her with a bit of entertainment for the time being. It was too convenient for her to not give it a try.

When she arrived on the scene, she remained in the air, hovering a good couple of feet above the alien. Zim's appearance was more amusing than she had originally thought it would be. A green person with odd eyes, no ears, and yes, he was wearing something that appeared dress-like. The tied antennae had been a very nice touch.

"Looks like you're having some trouble there."


ttlynotanalien May 23 2008, 00:35:05 UTC
Zim blinked once, then twice, and then again, staring up at Rouge with wide red eyes. His skin was still smoking slightly, and he was positively certain that he'd damaged his squeedlyspooch. The PAK was already tending to the worst of his injuries, but he'd be extremely shaky on his feet for a while.

He was beginning to realize just how much he missed GIR. If only the little robot were here. And his ship... And his lab! What was he supposed to do without his lab?

Then, he realized that the bat had spoken. "What do you want with Zim?" he croaked. He'd swallowed some water. That wouldn't heal for a while.


consideritmine May 23 2008, 00:50:02 UTC
Whoever had attacked this guy had really done quite a bit before being stopped by the cuffs. And it would be impossible for her to take him seriously when he spoke like that. She was tempted to make a joke about a frog being stuck in his throat, but even that was too beneath her. But giving off the appearance of obviously feigned concern with an layer of amusement underneath as she mocked him sounded right up her alley.

His question was ignored as she flew down closer and peered at him, as if assessing the damage. "Mm, not very good at fighting, are you?"


ttlynotanalien May 23 2008, 01:05:01 UTC
He struggled into a sitting position, wincing as his spine screamed in protest. Oh yes, Anemone had really done a number on him before the cuffs stopped her, and all because Zim could take far more damage that any human ever could before he started to feel it.

"I was outnumbered," he whispered hoarsely, sinking back down to the ground. He raised a tiny fist in the air and shook it as he spoke again. "So outnumbered." By the Almighty Tallest, his throat ached. And the PAK didn't seem to be working as well as it should. No doubt the Wardenpig had something to do with that.


not_a_coralian May 23 2008, 01:34:52 UTC
Normally, Anemone would've left the screaming green blob of uselessness to its own devices, but some part of her simply couldn't let the thing off that easily. After a short conversation with Jareth, she'd be outside herself, finding the alien just where the Goblin King had deposited him. It was with a sly smirk that she'd sneak towards him before popping her head up straight over him.

"Still alive?" Anemone asked with a bit of a sadistic and pouty expression. "Poor little worm."

Her tone of voice didn't suggest she was there to help him in any way, shape, or form.


ttlynotanalien May 23 2008, 01:45:37 UTC
He jumped - tried to, at any rate, and the mechanical legs of his PAK engaged, lifting him up so he dangled just high enough to look Anemone eye-to-eye. Despite his wounds, his antennae tied in a bow, despite the frilly dress, he managed to sneer in what he thought was an extremely condescending manner.

"You cannot kill Zim," he boasted, in a voice that was little more than a faint rasp. "It is I, Zim, who will kill you." He attempted to take a step back, and one of the mechanical legs bent at an odd angle - it had been damaged when he'd fallen from the ceiling in the apartment, and even more so when Jareth had thrown him into the fountain.


not_a_coralian May 23 2008, 01:50:02 UTC
Anemone laughed at Zim, coldly and in an unforgiving fashion, as if she were mocking him. In truth...she was. "Your bark is so much worse than your bite..." the pink-haired girl mused, those strange purple eyes of her's narrowing. The way they shrank, the red line through them was very visible. In all actuality, even she could've been considered an alien! Not that it meant anything to her...

"Go ahead then," Anemone said, straightening up and clasping her hands behind her back. "Try it." Now she opened her eyes, looking as innocent as she could...which was very convincing, especially in her little white dress and those golden barrettes in her hair.

How could one resist such a face? She didn't really expect pity from Zim...she really wanted to see his attempts to kill her, which she expected to be mediocre at best.


ttlynotanalien May 23 2008, 01:58:15 UTC
He narrowed his eyes, ignoring the mad skittering of the mechanical legs as they tried to right themselves, and crossed his arms. None of his weapons would work. His lasers were defunct. There was nothing, absolutely nothing that he could do to Anemone. He was alone, in a strange world without GIR, without his lab, without everything he needed to be a true Irken Invader. Oh, how they would laugh at him. They would snicker when they said his name. They would --

No. He shook his head. He could do this. Retracting the mechanical legs slightly, he dropped to the ground, and then the legs shot forward, aimed directly for her eyes. True, he couldn't turn her into a brainless, mind-controlled puppet like Keef, but he could make sure she'd never be able to see him to hit him again.


gotowardslight May 23 2008, 03:24:07 UTC
It was one thing to be taking a casual walk, or to maybe get a better look at the new compound. After all, it was a refreshing change from the old, but it was something else entirely to catch sight of some strange, green... thing screaming in pain. The oddity in itself had caused Riku to stop dead in his tracks, taking another glance. Someone had mentioned an alien in one of their posts, and Riku had certainly seen stranger things, but that didn't necessarily stop him from taking a closer look, a somewhat amused smirk on his face as he did so.

Approaching Zim, he couldn't help but suppress a slight snigger. He was so...small. If he was supposed to be dangerous, he sure didn't look the part.

"And what do we have here?" he said, still smirking. "Can't say I've seen you around."

[ooc: Eee, hope it's not too late to hop in, but I couldn't resist poking Zim.]


ttlynotanalien May 23 2008, 03:28:40 UTC
[ooc: Hahaha, not at all! The more, the merrier, and the more torture I get to put Zim through!]

Zim stopped screaming at the sound of laughter. Laugh at him, would they? He'd show them! He'd...! Stand up and fall back over, tripping over the sodden lacy dress. "I am Zim!" he announced, pointing a finger up toward the sky as he lay on his back. "ZIM!"

Then the hand dropped, and he tried to sit up - a feat that he accomplished only by inching himself up a bit at a time.


gotowardslight May 23 2008, 03:35:32 UTC
Unfortunately for Zim, his declaration hadn't made things any better on his behalf, and Riku just continued to smirk; the more he watched this guy, the more he began to think that the whole 'threat' thing was a serious understatement. As it were, his attempts to be threatening were...pathetic at best. Still, this would at least be entertaining...

"Oh really?" Riku replied, crossing both of his arms. "Well, 'ZIM', you sure are different. What's with the green skin? And, come to think of it, those antennae sure don't look very 'normal' to me..."


ttlynotanalien May 23 2008, 03:51:22 UTC
He had to think fast... his contacts were missing, his wig was missing... This was no good! No good! "I.... have a skin condition," he said slowly. That explained the green skin... and the eyes? "And... and I have pinkeye! Very bad pinkeye! Stay away! I might be contagious!"

And how would he explain the antennae? "And... and..." He faltered. "And..."


Sorry it took so long T.T notabighead May 28 2008, 13:41:22 UTC
Zim was here. Zim. Was. Here. In Neocontra! Just when he thought he'd gotten away, that things might get better, Zim had to show up. Now he would try to take over the compound...or stuff....that he do. Dib gritted his teeth as he stalked through the plaza. No. He was not going to get away with it, with any of it. He just had to find a way to get back at him, a way to...

Was that Zim lying down in front of the fountain?

"Oh Zim~"

It was days like these that made Dib very, very happy to be in Neocontra.


It's no problem and ilu bb ♥ ttlynotanalien May 29 2008, 04:15:46 UTC
"Huh? Wha?" Zim recognized that voice. Oh, how he recognized it. Granted, it was a bit... older... deeper... than the last time he'd heard it, but nevertheless, he'd know that voice anywhere. "DIB!" he screamed, still flat on his back. The PAK's mechanical legs engaged and lifted Zim off the ground, although the broken leg gave him a bit of trouble. "I wondered when I would see you again, Dib."

Despite the obvious pain he was in from the water of the fountain, he still managed a smirk. "It's been too long, Dib. Far too long since I saw your smelly Earth head, which by the way, is still as enormous as IT HAS EVER BEEN!" Glaring and advancing slowly, he continued. "I would say I've missed you... but I'd be lying. My mission was so much more... enjoyable... after you left.


notabighead May 30 2008, 12:26:49 UTC
My head's not- The cuff wouldn't mind if he just gave him a little 'push' into the fountain, would it? ...yeah, it would. "Enjoyable?" Dib sneered as he stalked over to Zim, "What'd you do, Zim? Take a vacation?" He towered over Zim now, even with the PAK's legs. At about this point, if he didn't have the cuff, he would have jumped Zim. But he did have the cuff...so he stuck to intimidation.


ttlynotanalien May 31 2008, 05:16:48 UTC
Zim cackled. Shutting his eyes tightly, he leaned back and laughed. There was a definite edge to that laugh; more than a little hint of insanity. Not that Zim had ever really been sane to begin with. When his laughter finally subsided, he crossed his arms in front of his chest grinned.

Despite the Dibmonkey's increased stature, he was obviously still as stupid as the day he had left. And his head was still big. "You see, Dib..." He spat the name, and then continued, matching Dib sneer for sneer. "After you left, I..."

Well. Wait. What had he done? He paused, thinking about it. He hadn't destroyed the Earth, obviously. He hadn't even destroyed the town he'd been living in. But it had been quiet. So quiet, when he didn't have to deal with the annoying Dibmonkey day after day after day.


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