[Log] It's the Fear

Oct 09, 2007 13:41

Characters: Ying Fa (AU!Sakura) and Xiao Lang (AU!Shaoran)
Where: Ci-Pente
When: sometime after the storm, almost at the same time as Kimi, Fei Wong and real!Syaoran's confrontation
Summary: Worried about Ying Fa, Xiao Lang goes to check up on her - and the darkness finally reveals itself. This does not end well at all.
Warnings: Darkness plot, evil!Ying, seduction flirting, violence, blood and heartbreak.
((Chinese expressions used: wo ai ni - I love you; zai jian - goodbye))

She looked at the debris that blocked the pathway to her room, then flicked her wrist to bring down the door. There. Everything was ready. He was the only one who wouldn't be.

She was aware that he knew something wasn't right, and not being able to use the Sakura Cards would further increase his suspicion that it had something to do with her. But she knew his weakness, and with that she was going to bring him down. Oh, it absolutely had nothing to do with him being half-blind and unarmed.

She smiled. "Your death will hurt, Li Xiao Lang."


Xiao Lang hurried over to the Ci building. The storm had really gotten violent so suddenly, it was a good thing that their rooms were in neighboring buildings.

Upon entering the building he was greeted by the sight of the complete mess that the hallway had become. That guy was right when he said, "Get out of Ci." Picking his way over and around much of the debris he made his way to the collapsed Pente door.

"Ying Fa," he called when he'd reached it. "Are you okay in there?" He was really worried about her, he couldn't help it.


"X-Xiao Lang?" she called right back, putting on her most convincing 'scared Ying Fa' voice. Mentally counting to three, she flicked her wrist again, causing something else in the room to topple over with a loud thud. She then shrieked, and very convincingly at that.

And so the angel comes and breaks down the door, she thought, amused. Oh, Xiao Lang, you're much too predictable.


What was that? Xiao Lang wasn't thinking anymore, if he was he might have thought it was strange that she didn't just use a card. Right now he had to get in there to make sure she wasn't hurt and get her out of the badly damaged building.

All those years of martial arts training weren't for nothing as he was able to force the door in without too much trouble. Xiao Lang found the inside of Ying Fa's room to be no better than the outside.


She was on the floor, and her leg was bleeding. She looked up as he came into the room. "Xiao Lang..." She tried to move, but a flash of pain caught her and she winced. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to trouble you..."

Of course, it was all an act. The cut was real, but she had purposely inflicted it upon herself. And he seemed pretty convinced, so far. Everything was going too well.


"Don't try to move," he instructed her as he knelt down beside her to assess the damage. The cut looked pretty bad, but it wasn't within his power to heal it. Then it occurred to him that she could, that sort of magic should be allowed by the cuffs. "Can't you heal it with your magic?" he asked. It'd be a lot easier to get her out of there if she could at least stand.


Damn it. "I-I tried," she lied. Oh, wait a minute. Wasn't Ying Fa just the heroic type? Putting that into play, she continued, "But my magic... I-I've been keeping a shield up since the room started collapsing, and I..." She looked at the debris helplessly. "I'm sorry."

She then started her crying act, knowing it would work wonders. He was so gullible. "Y-You're mad at me, aren't you?" She wouldn't look at him. "T-Tomoyo-chan told me... about what happened to me... I-I really didn't mean..." Ah, finally, she managed to shed some tears. Her master better pay her well for this pathetic act. She stayed silent for a moment. "...I missed you, Xiao Lang."


He glanced around. The Shield, huh? But Xiao Lang didn't get much of a chance to think about that because she started talking again.

There might be something...

He pulled her into a loose hug, after she started crying.

There it was again, that feeling...

"I'm not mad," he whispered so she wouldn't be able to tell he was becoming suspicious. "You scared me, I was so worried." Her reaction should help clear this up.


"I'm really sorry." She pulled back, looking at him with tears in her green eyes. She took a moment to wipe those away. "I always make you worry."

He was within range now. But first things first.

She lifted her hand, touching his face. Hm~ he was actually pretty cute.

And before he could say or do anything in protest, she leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.


There was definitely something very wrong here. Truthfully he hadn't wanted to believe the feeling, he would have preferred to be wrong.

"Whoa," Xiao Lang jumped back, he wasn't used to that sort of thing, not that he didn't like it, just this wasn't the person he'd want to be doing that with, not right now anyway.

"What are you?" he asked now on the defensive.


She cursed mentally. She underestimated him. "Xiao Lang, w-what are you... what are you talking about?" she asked weakly, sounding hurt. She wasn't going to give herself away that easily. She looked down on the floor. "Don't you... love me anymore...?"


Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand Xiao Lang continued to watch her. Still something was off. Everything she'd said up until now had been so generic and her reactions weren't completely right.

It was more than just an off feeling about her, he didn't feel right either. Then something caught his eye, or rather lack of something. Deciding to play along Xiao Lang said, "Of course I love you," as he moved forward to reach out for her hand. The ring he'd given her was still there. Then in one fluid movement pushed her sleeve up as far as it would go.

What he saw made his eye widen. "What the-?" The markings, they were there...


Damn. Xiao Lang wasn't only cute, he was smart. She was... impressed. She liked smart men. She licked her lips, smirking at the challenge that lay before her. Killing him was going to be a lot more satisfying, now that she was certain that he was no idiot.

Caught red-handed, she knew the moment had come to reveal herself. She was sick of the nice girl act anyway, so she didn't mind being herself again. She laughed. "Oh, Xiao Lang." Her voice was unmistakably Ying Fa's, but her tone was so menacing, so evil. She watched as shock took form on his face, and with a mischievous smile she closed her eyes. Her tattoos glowed for a moment, then an invisible force ripped the fabric of both her sleeves into shreds, exposing the strange red marks that matched the fading ones on his arms. She opened her eyes, all the warmth in those green orbs gone. "You do realize this is all your fault?"

Playing hard to get, huh? Hmmm.


"My fault?" he echoed. A moment of thought revealed it to be true. "Oh," he said covering his mouth as he realized, so that's how it worked. "I see."

Xiao Lang continued to stare at her, he couldn't tear his gaze. This was just wrong. Not at all like his Ying Fa. This was worse than... than that time in her head. Of course, that's when it all started, wasn't it? That was so long ago.


The tattoos glowed again and for a second, something seemed to cast its dark shadow on the room. It dispersed quickly, but it left her in the middle of the darkness with a smirk on her face. "Hey, come on," she whispered, moving towards Xiao Lang, slipping one arm around his neck and touching his face with the other. She smiled triumphantly. She had most of her powers back, enough to cast one of those higher-level spells that would numb his muscles, and he had been too shocked to even fight back. She pushed her face close to his, so close that she could close the gap between them in an instant. She could feel Ying Fa struggle for control inside. Oh, the girl could try.

She gazed into his brown eye, the only part of him that seemed to be alive. Her smile turned naughty, and from his face she dragged her hand down, fingers brushing through his neck and eventually resting on his chest, very seductively. "You won't regret having me around, Xiao Lang," she purred, watching him curiously, waiting to see if he could break the spell with his willpower, actually daring him to try. But... aww, he was a gorgeous little thing. She licked her lips again then brought them on his, kissing him slowly, taking the rest of the darkness with her. Ying Fa was screaming now, and she could hear her loud and clear, but rather than stopping, she kissed Xiao Lang even more passionately instead.

Really, it was such a shame that she'd have to kill him.


There was nothing he could do. Try all he might he couldn't will the spell to break. He was completely helpless as she took the last of the darkness. She had what she wanted yet still she continued to kiss him. There had to be some reason...

Ying Fa!

She was still in there. He could sense it, it was stronger than before. He fought against it harder and finally broke free.

Pulling back he shoved her away. "Regrets?" he said, shakily getting to his feet and backing up a few steps. "There's a lot, you're one of them, but no matter what it takes, I'll get my Ying Fa back." It might not have been the smartest thing to say but he wanted her know that her come-ons were without effect.


She got to her feet as well, laughing. The cut on her leg didn't seem to be that bad, because she had no trouble standing. She looked at him with a knowing smile, green eyes filled with mischief and amusement. "Now, now, Xiao Lang. There's no need to lie. I'm pretty sure you enjoyed that." She ran a finger across her lips, obviously flirting with him. A look of mock surprise then appeared on her face as she seemed to realize something. "My, you two haven't done anything like that, have you?" She licked the tip of her finger. "Pity. I'll let her know you're a good kisser, though."


Xiao Lang blinked. Now what was she playing at? Despite everything he felt his face grow warmer. It was true he'd never been kissed like that, and no one ever flirted with him...


She laughed again, but the playful tone had become menacing and evil. "Face it, Xiao Lang," she said, her voice low, with a lethal edge to it. The tattoos had started to glow again, very brightly now. She was at full power. "She's not coming back."

And in an instant, a sword came to life in her hand, made of pure dark energy. One moment she was still standing there, in the next she was in front of him, plunging the blade through his abdomen. She liked him, so she was going to kill him slowly and painfully.

She stepped back and watched him fall on his knees, leaving the blade stuck in his body.


Xiao Lang stared down at the end of the sword sticking out of his body. There had been no time to react. One second he was standing there trying to think of some way to fix this, the next she had stabbed him. He hadn't screamed in pain when it happened.

His hand hovered above it, he remembered using it once before, just once. That wasn't a proud moment. He'd buried it, or tried to. The pain distracted his thoughts from that day. Then he coughed and his mouth filled with blood.

Trying to move as little as possible Xiao Lang turned his gaze up to the darkness-controlled girl, who up until just recently had been his bride-to-be, to ask why...


"Please, don't get me wrong. I like you. I really do. But what are we to do with a virus carrier who has already served its purpose? Dispose of it, of course." She smiled, very mockingly. "Now let's see. Perhaps I should-"

She suddenly stiffened, her head snapping back. The blade dissolved into thin air, the tattoos on her arms faded completely, and a familiar golden magic circle appeared on the floor. She uttered a word, perhaps two; the Star Key glowed for a second, then a dagger appeared from out of nowhere in her right hand.

In one quick motion she struck the cut on her leg with the dagger, her body jolting as pain coursed through her system. "Xiao Lang," she gasped, now looking at him, and there was no mistaking it - Ying Fa had taken control again. If there was anything only she could do, it was to call upon the power of the Stars. Her face was very pale, lined with anguish and desperation, while tears started to fall from her emerald eyes.


With the blade gone blood flowed freely from the wound in his abdomen. Xiao Lang immediately covered it with his hands. He watched as Ying Fa did come back. She - the darkness - had underestimated her it seemed.

"Ying-" He tried to reply, to tell her to stop hurting herself, but just breathing was painful enough, speaking was even more so.


She dug the blade deeper into the already open wound, crying out from the pain. She didn't have a lot of time, and with the few precious seconds she had managed to steal her message must come across, loud and clear, without the darkness in her knowing what it meant. Fortunately she knew how to do exactly that. "Kill me," she said in Chinese, pleading. Yes, death was the only answer, and to save him, to save them all, it would have to be hers. Or the nightmare will never end.

The darkness was returning with a vengeance. She couldn't hold on anymore, no matter how much pain she tried to inflict on herself just to make it go away. She looked into his eyes as lovingly as she could, yet her sadness was also evident. She had failed him again. "Wo ai ni," she whispered, feeling herself fade away. She managed a weak smile at the very last moment. "Zai jian, Xiao Lang, my #1."

Her eyes fell shut, and she was in the dark again.


Kill her!? His eye grew wide when what she had said registered with him, and that she meant it. But there was no way- He couldn't possibly- Why should she have to die for his mistake?! She said she'd die for him but he knew he could never let her.

He reached out a bloody hand as she faded.

Ying Fa was gone again. He doubled over bowing his head.


She watched as the angel fell, smiling triumphantly. He wasn't dead yet, but he should be in no time. However... she thought about it for a moment, then decided she'd like him to stay alive, for the time being. But she was going to make his last few moments very very miserable.

Knowing he could still hear her, she took Ying Fa's PDA, put on a mock look of fear, and started recording. "Xiao Lang, what are you-" Oh, this was going to be so much fun. "Y-You're scaring me... Don't... don't come-" And she screamed. "Get away from me!" Cue the 'being choked to death' drama. "Some... body... he... lp... me... can't... br... ea... the..."

She pressed a button and the recording ended.

Hell should be breaking loose now.


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