[Thread] The Make-A-Wish Foundation

Sep 07, 2007 18:39

Characters: OU!Riku, OU!Yuuko
Where: Ast-Pente
When: after this thread
Summary: Riku has been known to do some really stupid things for his friends. This is one of them.
Warnings: Contains Yuuko.

The only thing that kept Riku from running all the way to Ast-Pente was the knowledge of what he would have to do when he got there. Sora was already in bad enough shape, and the time they'd wasted looking for alternatives had just made it worse, when really? All they'd found was Yuuko and her wishes, and for that he'd have to pay a price equal to the value of the wish itself.

Li had doubted he had anything that would balance out Sora's life, but Riku didn't buy that. He was prepared to offer his whole heart in exchange for less than half of Sora's, which, in his mind, was more than fair.

He knocked firmly on the door when he arrived. "Yuuko?" he called.
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