[Thread] You wish!

Sep 07, 2007 16:47

Characters: OU: Misawa Daichi, AU: Otogi Ryuuji
Where: Ci-Epta
When: After Otogi loses his earring
Summary: Misawa gets three wishes. He really just wishes magic would stay the heck out of his life.
Warnings: Probably none

Misawa scowled at the papers he had spread across his desk. There were several more spread out on all other flat surfaces available that hadn't been claimed by his roommate. All of them were covered in an assortment of numbers, symbols, charts, and had a variety of notes scribbled in the margins. They were not doing what he wanted them to do. He sighed, erased the last few numbers he'd written down, and resolved himself to starting over.

Without thinking about it, he toyed with a small object he'd stashed in his pocket. He'd gone for a walk earlier that day to clear his head, had stopped to relax under a tree for a while, and had managed to sit on it. He'd picked it up just to get it out of his way, stuffed it in a pocket, and hadn't thought about it since. After all, he had more important things to worry about.

"This is going to take all day to sort out," he said, looking at the vast number of places where he might have made his mistake. "Days like this, I wish the stupid equations would just solve themselves."

No sooner had he spoken, when his pencil suddenly jumped out of his hand and began hovering over his notes. It flitted about, erasing here, writing things in there. Misawa jumped backwards, knocking over his chair, and continued to stare as his work unconcernedly did itself for him.


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