Characters: Baltha, whoever happens to wander by
Where: The Park
When: Afternoon, during the Potion Plot
Summary: Baltha's decided she needs some target practice. Unfortunately, some flying baby with a bow and arrow seems to have had the same idea.
Warnings: This is Baltha we're talking about. What do you think she's going to be like love potion'd?
This is almost certainly going to end very badly for someone... )
Comments 18
He also found it hard to think of something to say, oddly enough. Swallowing thickly, still tasting tea in the back of his throat, he raised one hand in a cautious wave. With any luck, she wouldn't think to sink a bullet in him.
"Can't imagine why anyone would want to avoid a pretty lady." Even if that pretty lady did have a gun, and a good shot, judging by the bullet-filled target. "I'd be more than happy to keep you company, though. ...If you want, that is. I can go if you'd rather be alone." Babbling? What's that?
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