[Thread] Love is in the Air~

Dec 30, 2008 13:56

Characters: Baltha, whoever happens to wander by
Where: The Park
When: Afternoon, during the Potion Plot
Summary: Baltha's decided she needs some target practice. Unfortunately, some flying baby with a bow and arrow seems to have had the same idea.
Warnings: This is Baltha we're talking about. What do you think she's going to be like love potion'd?

It was a pity they hadn't invented silencers in Ivalice, because if Baltha had been trying to avoid people she'd have been out of luck; her gun was rather loud. She'd lost count of how many times bullets had thudded into the bullseye she'd traced in the dirt some distance away by now.

She sighed, leaning the gun against a nearby tree. Target practice was beginning to get boring.  Keen eyes scanned the grove as she wondered if anyone else was out here.  She was starting to feel rather lonely.

[final fantasy xii] balthier, [nocturne] nitta isamu/amala, location: park

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