[Thread] sometimes these things need a gentle nudge

Dec 30, 2008 01:38

Characters: OU!Wufei, OU!Relena
Where: Vri-Pente
When: mid-morning
Summary: Wufei has a few things he needs to discuss with Relena regarding his incident with Harth Fray that he hasn't been ready to talk about before now, but the proper business-like relationship that they share as Preventer and Vice Foreign Minister is about to become rather strained, thanks to Urd's mischief.
Warnings: angst, emotional vulnerability, massive confusion, and also, the Potion Plot attacks! So who knows what may happen~...

Though it had been over a week since the incident with Harth had occurred, Wufei had managed to avoid speaking with Relena about the details. He had been coming to terms with himself -- a mental process that was difficult in the best of times, with a partner who was willing to beat him about the head when they realized he was stuck in a stubborn rut. In this place, where he did not have that second, that person who could help him, it was difficult to see where he had gone wrong. He knew he could be willfully blind, but he hadn't realized just how crippled he was by his lack of having someone who was willing to rip those blinders away for him, whether he wished them to or not.

Relena had every right to disapprove of his attitude and his actions, of his terrible mistakes that had placed so many at risk and caused her trouble. That was something that he as a Preventer should have made his top priority, and instead he had allowed himself to fall so far beneath the proper behavior of one who imagined himself able to even pretend he was capable of guarding her.

When he realized this -- it took him a frustratingly long amount of time, on his own -- he immediately began a careful watching routine, waiting for the next opportune moment -- the next time he was relatively certain that both Maria and Aligoté were absent from Vri-Pente and would be so for a good while.

He rarely broached the sacred line that was the comforter he had hung across his corner of the room as a privacy curtain, except for when it was necessary, but this time, he pushed it aside, and knowingly violated the unspoken rules of personal space by crossing the room and seating himself on the foot of her bed, facing her. "Miss Darlian," he said, feeling awkward, but knowing he needed to do this. "I ... need to speak with you. About what happened between Harth Fray and myself. And my recent behavior."

[gundam wing] chang wufei, location: apartments, [gundam wing] relena darlian

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