[thread] This isn't an investigation..

Dec 06, 2008 14:37

Characters:OU Seeley Booth, Open
Where: The restaurant
When:Mid afternoon, the day after Seeley arrived.
Summary: Seeley attempts to get some information through "casual" conversation.

But you may still be hiding something.. )

[bones] temperance brennan, [trc] kurogane, [bones] seeley booth

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Comments 33

steelninja December 6 2008, 23:41:58 UTC
Kurogane had decided to sit in the restaurant because staring at the same four walls of his apartment only became duller as time went on. He had taken off his heavy black coat, gotten a cup of tea, and leaned his long sword against the wall next to him as he settled in at table. It was dull here too but it was a different sort of dull at least. And since all this downtime was boring, he had gotten a book from the library. Sadly the book turned out to be boring as well.

He paused his skimming to take a drink of tea and let his red eyes flicker up when there was a gust of colder air. After a pause long enough to tell he didn't recognize the man, Kurogane went back to his book. The page never really had his full attention though, so Kurogane caught the look the guy gave the bar. He kept reading, idly telling the man, "If you're looking for a drink, I'd use that computer thing."


not_a_squint December 7 2008, 05:03:27 UTC
"Why's that?" Booth asked, glancing over to the younger man, and for a microsecond, his faced turned incredulous. It was the hair, really. Pointy, spiked back with no real evidence of product used. Then the red eyes, the trained sniper could see them from where he was. Though they looked blood read, almost blond, it was still odd.

"Seems they got enough here, Coffee.. " he trailed off a moment.. "Water.. Yeah, so how's this thing supposed to get me a drink?"


steelninja December 7 2008, 06:36:48 UTC
There were probably enough people with a problem with his hair to start a club now. At least being attacked with hair gel in this situation was not at all a threat.

Kurogane looked back up at the guy, actually looking him over this time. His build was more for just looks, he'd guess. That was slightly interesting, but not enough to stop Kurogane from going back to his tea. "They've got that. Anything harder I'd request." The guy had been looking at the bar after all. "Sure someone will show you how if you ask."


not_a_squint December 7 2008, 16:17:58 UTC
[ooc: Almost blond.. wtf. I meant brown, last post.. haha.]

Booth smirked, holding up a mug for coffee. He'd been here for around 20 hours, and hasn't slept a wink since. He had no problem staying awake, but the coffee helped. FBI held long days.

"Thanks for the information. What's your name?"


gonnaloveme December 6 2008, 23:51:07 UTC
Bruce wandered here every now and then. Even when it was cold outside; he had no where else to go recreationally and he didn't feel like bothering with requisitioning the supplies needed to make some of the drinks he could consume here. Especially when it wasn't one of his usual things to do, despite his reputation back home.

He sat in a lonely corner huddled up in his coat jacket still, just having walked in himself. At least the corner wasn't a darkened shadow like his alter-ego would prefer. The sun shone through the close window, Bruce's gaze mostly focused outside it until the new arrival walked in. He glanced over idly and hugged the small glass in his hands.


not_a_squint December 7 2008, 05:00:06 UTC
Deciding he'd rather remain mostly sober, Booth walked over to the end of the bar, where low and behold, there was coffee. He poured himself a cup, turning around for a place to sit. He knew his task, gaining information. Few people stood out, till he saw a solitary figure in the corner. That was his man. He wasn't about to pump a innocent stranger for info, but it would make for interesting conversation.

He walked over, holding his coffee, his hands drawing the warmth in from the cheap porcelain. "You mind if I join you?"


gonnaloveme December 7 2008, 05:12:09 UTC
Bruce looked up and leaned back in the same motion, and it was obvious he was sizing the man up by the way his eyes darting up and down and the expression on his face. It was a calculated expression--relaxed and cheap as the Bruce Wayne facade conveyed, nothing revealing that he was secretly doing a lot more analyzing in that size-up than a normal man would do. He smiled slightly, more a smirk.

"Why not? I've got nothing better to entertain me at the moment," he replied a little haughtily. He swirled the contents of his glass around a bit as he smiled in a manner meant to relax the other man and show he meant nothing too serious by his words. The playboy looked suddenly very comfortable and inviting compared to the huddled mess he'd been a few seconds before.


not_a_squint December 7 2008, 05:43:23 UTC
Booth returned the smirk, and snorted at the little quip. He set his mug down and reached out to shake the other man's hand. "Seeley Booth." He said, introducing himself. "You?"


dntcllmebones December 7 2008, 04:50:54 UTC
Not five minutes before, Dr. Temperance Brennan had found what appeared to be a restaurant. The interior was dimly lit, but Brennan didn't need a lot of light to wash her hands. She'd crossed the floor to the back where there were two sinks, she used her left hand to turn on the water, testing it.

Initially, it was freezing, so Temperance twisted the left knob on, turning on the hot water. Searching for soap of some kind, Brennan found none, so she contented herself with scrubbing at her palm, scouring her skin with the nails of her left hand.

It stung, but she welcomed the pain. It kept her alert, kept her mind sharp. When she heard the door open, she turned her head, piercing blue eyes widening at the sight of "Booth!" She closed the distance between them, throwing her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Not a half hour before, she had been pressing her palm against his chest, trying to stop his bleeding. Now, here he was.


not_a_squint December 7 2008, 05:09:47 UTC
"Bones!" he exclaimed, relieved, but easily wary of her presence here. More so, was her reaction so his presence. Yes, they had a close connection, as partners, but.. Oh why not. He wrapped his arms around under her arms and gave her a gentle squeeze. She was hurting, after all, what with her mother's bones and her father's ominous call, and it was the right thing to do.

He waited until she loosened her grip before pulling away himself, looking into her eyes, giving her a steady expression, that if prompted, would transform into his ready smile. Suffice to say, he was happy to see her.. As a friend, familiar face..

Nothing more.

"You're the genius, what are the odds this is all just a dream?"


dntcllmebones December 7 2008, 05:42:57 UTC
"You're...you're all right," Temperance said, her blue eyes wide with shock as she lifted her hand to his chest, pressing at the place where he'd been shot.

Her mouth opened and closed as she shook her head, her dark locks brushing against her shoulders. "The odds of this being a shared dream? Slim to none, Booth. Multiple people dreaming the same exact dream at the same time has not been proven scientifically."

She wanted to hug him again but she fought the urge. "How long have you been here, Booth?"


not_a_squint December 7 2008, 06:06:04 UTC
"Just fine Bones.. What's going on?" he asked, quirking a brow, then letting them fall, his face falling deadpan.

Her response to his inane inquiry was one he expected, so he shrugged, but nodded to acknowledge her.

"Roughly Twenty hours."


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