Characters: Atem (AU!Yami no Yuugi), AU!Riza, AU!Yamato, AU!Gabumon, OU!Takion, OU!Saioh, and OU!Saetan (if the mun is agreeable!)
Where: The park
When: At the start of stage three of the modplot
Summary: Riza, Atem and her family wake up and assess the damage
Warnings: Lots of fluffy mcfluff and angst and all the oh-my-gawd-we're-still-alive stuff
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"Ye gods," he muttered indistinctly. Then, with a bit more alertness, he added, "Is it really necessary to make so much noise? My head hurts."
"If anyone needs a ride, Gabumon and I can manage it." He knew his partner would be more than willing to lend a paw. Or a strong back, in this case.
He returned Takion's scolding look wearily, knowing he looked as ancient and tired as he felt at the moment. "Help me up. You can scold once I get out of the sun and get that tea."
He himself wasn't all that concerned about where they went, as long as everyone was safe once they got there. He suspected Saioh wasn't really going to want to hang out with a whole room of people, though.
"You probably shouldn't be by yourself, though, Saioh," he said. After all, who knew what kind of abilities were now unleashed now that no cuffs were involved. He didn't doubt Saioh's powers, but there could very well be things or people who were immune to his friend's gifts.
He had yet to find too many of those that would also be immune to a good smack upside the head from his sword, though.
He also moved a bit closer, ready to help if Saetan needed any to get on Garurumon, if he accepted the Digimon's help.
"I offer my skills with a gun to protect anyone." She said. "I'm a sharpshooter. Rubber bullets can still do some damage if fired at the right places."
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