[Thread] Gone but not forgotten

Jul 14, 2008 21:49

Characters: OU: Tenjoin Fubuki, AU: Otogi Ryuuji, and all those who wish to remember Chronos's presence
When: Shortly after Chronos vanishes; before the age-shift plot starts
Where: Paj-Pente
Summary: Chronos's friends and students gather to lift a glass in his honor
Warnings: Well, there's alcohol involved, but it's not likely to get rowdy. This ( Read more... )

[yuugiou gx] yuki judai, [yuugiou gx] marufuji ryou, [yuugiou gx] tenjoin asuka, [yuugiou gx] misawa daichi, [yuugiou] jounouchi katsuya, [yuugiou gx] tenjoin fubuki, [fullmetal alchemist] yao ling, [yuugiou gx] fujiwara yusuke, [yuugiou] otogi ryuuji

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Comments 55

respect_kaiser July 16 2008, 20:03:23 UTC
Ryou settled himself on a convenient chair somewhere, where he could see not only the room itself but Yusuke. He and his boyfriend didn't need to be beside each other constantly, but he did enjoy the view quite a bit. And he was curious to see who else might show up here. He wondered if Chronos had ever had any idea of how many lives he had touched here.

Even if I did draw on his face once. He did not smile, outwardly at that. He did remember doing it during that time when he'd been so impulsive, but his teacher had never talked to him about it. He would have liked to have apologized, but the moment had just never arrived. He decided if he ever returned to his world, he would do so, even if Chronos then wouldn't know what he was talking about.


blizzardprince July 17 2008, 01:40:41 UTC
"Ryou! There you are! I knew you'd show up," said Fubuki. He gave him a bear hug, as effusively as though he hadn't seen him in months. "Having fun?"


respect_kaiser July 18 2008, 01:50:42 UTC
Ryou smiled briefly at Fubuki's enthusiastic greeting. He was used to his friend acting like that, even with how close they lived to each other. "Of course." Even with the solemnity, he was enjoying himself. He was probably enjoying himself more than he would have if the occasion had been one of Fubuki's usual joyfests.


jingle_ling July 17 2008, 03:18:37 UTC
In Xing, there was no particular age that one had to be before one drank alcohol. It wasn't that there hadn't been any problems with it ever, but they were few and far between, and most of the royalty was often too busy worrying about the succession to care about laws like that, so no one had ever particularly worried about it.

Ling did take alcohol seriously though, and he also took the disappearance of his teacher quite seriously. There had been time for a little bit, yes, but he wished that Professor Chronos was still around. He would have liked to have gotten in more practice, more lessons. And besides, he was an interesting person.

Having obtained a small glass of wine, Ling looked around to see about socializing a little bit, and who should he see but his former roommate!

"Ryou!" Ling said with a bit of a smile as he walked over to where the man was sitting. "How have you been?"


asuka_tenjoin July 16 2008, 20:06:57 UTC
It had been a while since Asuka had seen Professor Chronos, but she had always respected him and his dedication to his students. She wasn't surprised at all to find that Fubuki wanted to do something like this, and she headed over to Paj-Pente as soon as she could. It had been a while since she'd seen some of her friends anyway, and while this would be a more serious occasion, it would be good to talk to them anyway.


blizzardprince July 17 2008, 01:42:34 UTC
"Hey, Sis," said Fubuki, walking over to put an arm around her. "Isn't this something? I bet Chronos-sensei would be really happy if he knew how many people came to his party."


asuka_tenjoin July 18 2008, 01:59:42 UTC
"I agree," Asuka nodded, looking around and hugging him back. She wasn't as big on personal contact as he was, but it really had been a while, in her personal view, since she'd seen him. One hug wouldn't hurt. "He always affects more people than he realizes."


blizzardprince July 18 2008, 02:02:34 UTC
"There's definitely never been another teacher like him before," Fubuki agreed. "I've heard so many stories, but it seems like I missed a lot of the really good stuff he did..."


numberedstars July 17 2008, 01:55:21 UTC
Misawa was debating whether or not he ought to get a drink. If he had been back in Japan, he wouldn't have technically been old enough, but nobody in Econtra had ever seemed to care, and he'd tried it a few times since he'd come there. Mostly he just had the impression that he looked dignified and cultured while carrying a wineglass around. He decided one drink couldn't hurt anybody and started picking his way towards the refreshment table.


oreno_kioku July 19 2008, 04:27:05 UTC
With all of the problems he'd seen his own father have with alcohol, Jounouchi wasn't about to touch the stuff until he was of a legal age, and even then it would probably be rarely.

However, for however short a time that he'd known him, Jounouchi still respected Chronos, and so he had come. It was a little bit awkward knowing only one or two people in the room, but besides everything else, if he didn't get out and socialize sometimes, he was going to turn into an antisocial hermit.

He'd been wandering around the room, and his wanderings took him over toward the refreshment table, to which another young man was also walking over - a young man who he didn't recognize, but appeared only a couple years older than himself.

"Hi," he began, attempting to start a conversation. "Are you one of Chronos' students?"


numberedstars July 19 2008, 22:28:08 UTC
"I was, for a time, before I took a job," Misawa replied, giving Jonouchi a polite nod. "And would I be right in thinking that you are Jonouchi Katsuya?"


oreno_kioku July 20 2008, 02:18:14 UTC
It was still a bit awkward - yet another person who knew his name, probably knew about his future, and yet Jounouchi knew next to nothing about him. But since he was one of Chronos' students, he would be from around the same time, so it wasn't too surprising.

"Yeah, that's me," Jounouchi replied with a smile. "I can't say I know your name, though."


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