[Thread] Snip Snip

Jun 24, 2008 07:38

Characters: OU Rorschach, OU Robin Dick Grayson
Where: Starting at the Bank, moving out to the Park
When: Early afternoon, during Zim's holes-and-wires plot
Summary: An inspired Rorschach sets out to prevent further mishaps, with TT Robin's help.
Warnings: Slow but sure replies on my part, as usual

For there was no better retribution  than introducing  ( Read more... )

[watchmen] rorschach

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Comments 13

flipping_bird June 24 2008, 07:49:26 UTC
Robin was very glad that the the abundance of holes hadn't impacted his favourite method of transportation. He swung roof to roof, revelling in the freedom that the grappling gauntlets gave. He was still wearing Nightwing's costume, requisitioned in his size. Although he'd have preferred to meet the other vigilante in his usual costume, he'd decided that it wasn't worth the time it would take to get changed. There seemed to have been a string of injuries already; no need to risk more just to avoid a raised eyebrow or two.

He spotted Rorschach waiting at the Bank, flipping lightly down to join him, retracting his grappling line in the same fluid movement. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting."


humanbeanjuice June 24 2008, 13:39:47 UTC
Sharp and graceful maneuvering, as always. Rorschach welcomed the acrobatic hero's entrance with a nod, the blots on his mask morphing into clones of Robin's original R insignia. Even if he didn't mention it verbally, it was obvious the lad's change in costume had him curious. "Just in time. Doubt if there will be anymore victims, but will still be best if traps are dealt with swiftly. To the Park."

But Rorschach had only taken four steps, into a little space between a light post and the Bank wall, when he suddenly froze and held an arm out to halt Robin. His gloved finger jabbed downwards. For glinting in the sunlight at the level of their ankles was one of Zim's tripwires. The way the New Yorker's ankle had already bent said wire forward betrayed just how close he'd come to missing that one.


flipping_bird June 24 2008, 20:40:12 UTC
Robin caught Rorschach's look, self-consciously moving to adjust a cape that wasn't there. He hadn't realised how used he was to his costume. "I wouldn't be sure about the no victims thing." Robin frowned, following after Rorschach. "After all, it'll get dark." Dark, and the fact that there had been any injuries at all worried him -- it indicated a level of unpreparedness among econtra's citizens that did not bode well at all for future battle.

"Why the Pa--" Robin paused, halting at Rorschach's signal. "Wow. He really went all out, huh." Robin had a bird-a-rang in his hand before he'd had time to reflect that Rorschach probably had it covered.


humanbeanjuice June 25 2008, 02:26:44 UTC
Rorschach held himself as still as a statue until he finally slid his leg back, hearing the tripwire straighten out with a twang. He drew the pliers that he'd requisitioned and knelt, cutting the snare as close as he could to the lightpost. Once he'd taken care of the other end the wire vanished into his coat pocket.

"Keep those handy." remarked Rorschach on Robin's throwing weapon. "Zim setup most of the holes and wires in Park. If we can disable wires and mark holes with little flags until they are filled up, all should go well." At the mention of flags he reached into his coat to reveal a handful of hand-made red banners on barbecue sticks. He halved this and handed some to Robin.


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