[Thread] Snip Snip

Jun 24, 2008 07:38

Characters: OU Rorschach, OU Robin Dick Grayson
Where: Starting at the Bank, moving out to the Park
When: Early afternoon, during Zim's holes-and-wires plot
Summary: An inspired Rorschach sets out to prevent further mishaps, with TT Robin's help.
Warnings: Slow but sure replies on my part, as usual

For there was no better retribution  than introducing the alien perp to a drop 20 times the length of what he'd dug. But as there were cuffs to worry about, one as coldly vengeful as Rorschach would have to settle for tamer means.

Hence his decision to disable and collect the tripwires as he came across them. One other in the compound had recently been asking for a shovel to cover up the holes. That had struck the New York vigilante as a very calm and direct way of dealing with the problem. And it was in vein of that proclamation that Rorschach had decided to lend a hand.

Not that he was forgetting all about his plan.

Leaning against the door to the Bank, eyes behind his inkblot of a mask scanned the street and rooftops around him for the coming of Robin. The younger one, who had recently returned from another of Neocontra's vanishing acts. This was a favor the younger hero was granting him; he reminded himself that one day Robin would have every right to call on him for one of his own.

[watchmen] rorschach

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