[ENDGAME] Stage 5; Invective

Mar 27, 2009 21:49

One by one, the Drafted either win over their false adversaries, the made-up calamities, the forged returned home, and the other hallucinations or else sink into oblivion. How long each interaction takes is based completely on the strength of the individual, on their desire to finish the confrontation with the Entropi, and how easily they are fooled by the illusion that tried to destroy them.

But even the earliest to wake do not do so until the aliens of energy and light are ready for the final battle, prepared by their quick but intensive study of the Drafted's minds. They believe they know how to best these annoying gnats, and they are sure that it will be as easy as brushing insignificant insects into a waiting fire. That some Drafted fell to their nightmares only intensifies the Entropi belief that they will conquer here. As if with one mind, they decide on the method to ensure an outcome of victory.

The Entropi have always perceived everything as a frequency; even the Indigeo's phrases frequency no reset were a direct translation of its understanding of the beings it interacted with. They were able to 'see' the life forces of other species because they existed just slightly out of sync with the current world -- ever so slightly, milliseconds perhaps -- ahead of this world. Their attacks are predictions, carefully calculated strikes cast a mere heartbeat ahead of time at a moving target. For this is where the frequency enters the equation. Most frequencies are consistent, or at least have regular irregularities. Blips. The Entropi have been studying hard the residents -- everything has been study: the mind games, the changes, all of it -- and now they feel ready to go up against the residents.

But the residents have the advantage of being unpredictable, and the Entropi's greatest strength is their greatest weakness. To beat these otherwise unconquerable beings one must generate a frequency -- some kind of action or reaction -- that's significantly different from the projected outcome. Expecting one thing, and Entropi attacks based on that like shooting at a moving target. A target which changes course at the last second is not hit, but instead the strike hits whatever was behind where the target should have been. As all the Entropi exist just outside the residents' time but are all in sync with one another, one missed strike can be fatal to them.


As the first of the Drafted come awake, they will notice the silent Entropi sitting high in the sky, hovering as if conversing. As the last of the Drafted pull themselves from their nightmarish tests, the Entropi have finished their single-minded discussion and now float apart, drifting down towards the ground like the lightest of soap-bubbles. But, as previous encounters with but one of these alien beings has shown, the Entropi are hardly fragile, despite their lack of a humanoid shape.

The Entropi move with seemingly little purpose about the streets, gently drifting along with a dangerous degree of nonchalance. It is not until someone takes the risk of approaching them that the Entropi, almost as one, begin to strike. These foes, unlike their crazed brethren who attacked the compound, are meticulous and precise in their killing.

Instead of lashing out with angry electrical whips of power, these careful-minded Entropi instead fill the air with peculiar humming noise, a sound which changes deftly the moment any of the Drafted approach. It is a horrible tone, a keening wail that tugs at molecules of every being that dares to come too near. Every Drafted will feel it pulling at very molecules that make them unique, pulling every which way with potent ferocity.

The Entropi are targeting the abilities of the Drafted. Any who stay too close without forming a resisting resonance to the Entropi call, will be destroyed mercilessly, as their body is shaken apart.
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