[ENDGAME] Stage 6; Metonomy

Mar 30, 2009 01:16

Darkness falls on the city, punctuated with the sounds of sound waves given direction and deadly force. Yet as the night draws to a close and dawn peeks golden on the horizon, the resident's clever talents close in on the last remaining Entropi. With their incredible adaptability, they have broken the back on the Entropi army, the biggest blow coming as the residents realized that they were not helpless but empowered by their own limitations.

The last remaining Entropi pulsed wildly, flicking back and forth as though seeking its companions, but there were none. So in a last ditch attempt to flee, it streaked for the perimeter of the compound. If it could reach where the Obex once stood, it could resurrect the barrier--

The glowing orb slammed into an invisible restraint, bouncing off it like a rubber ball off cement. The Warden stepped out from behind a nearby building, an uncharacteristic expression of satisfaction on his features. He addressed the flailing Entropi coldly. "You will take the place of the Indigeo in the original Consulo. The Indigeo will be free to take charge of the new Consulo and send the residents back to their worlds. They have won against you, your campaign is finished."

A hiss-snap of energy, and the Entropi lashes out at the Warden, the strike which would have reduced even the hardiest of Drafted to mere ashes and ions; yet the white-suited man absorbs it, like a lightning rod passing the charge harmlessly into the ground. When he speaks, his voice is subarctic and disdainful. "It is too late for that -- three hundred years too late. Your opponents created their intermediary as you always have, but infusing them with their own biometrics. You do not have their frequency, you cannot cause me harm."

It pauses, but there is no time for it to formulate another plan, and the Warden dissolves it in the same way he disassembled the buildings and the Obex wall. From the sky comes spiraling the much smaller orb of the Indigeo, almost able to be held in two hands.

The Warden looks suddenly very tired, but calm. "It is done," he says.


The Warden takes the casualty reports with practiced stoicism, but at every reported death a shadow grows in his eyes; they're all felt as keenly as blood relations, if he'd had any. In a way he was the only commonality that every resident had, and they in turn were his link to a life devastated by the Entropi, both enemy... and ally.

"Messages have been sent," he tells them. "That the Keepers plan was a success, and that the Entropi have been defeated. There are small, enclosed settlements on other continents. They are to gather at appointed places. A provisional government will organize relief efforts, distribution of supplies, and eventual population rebuilding programs. For now, it is enough that the siege has been lifted."

He stands next to the second Consulo, the Indigeo hovering next to him. "As promised, you are all free to return to your worlds, or the worlds of your choosing. It will have to be done in several iterations, beginning at sundown. I advise you to make rest for those who did not survive -- they no longer emit a life force and cannot be returned."

The war is over; peace has come to Econtra.
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