I don't not love you! Chapter 5 [ongoing]

May 25, 2009 12:15

Title: "I don't not love you!" (Chapter 5)
Author: yoshi09
Rating: PG-13 (ish?)
Genre: FLUFF/amusement/comedy
Disclaimer: Jun gave Mao a ring, and she wears it. I don't own either of them, they own each other.
Summary: A rather... awkward night spent with our favorite loveteam. 3rd person limited from Mao-chan's perspective.

Author's Note: Ah! I really wanted to finish this in time for ohcrepe ’s birthday, but I was super busy yesterday. x_x Anyway, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ohcrepe . <3 I hope yesterday was super fun for you. ^_^

Chapter 1: So I like you...

Chapter 2: It must be your smile

Chapter 3: Or it could be your touch

Chapter 4: But I can't get you out of my mind

Chapter 5: And I swear…

In a moment of sheer adrenaline, Mao stuffed the Hello Kitty shirt in his face to hide herself from view as she collided into his chest. They landed on the ground with a dull thump.

“What the hell, Mao-”

Jun was trying to pull off the shirt she threw at him, and Mao was trying to get off from this very compromising position straddling him. She grabbed the shirt and put it over his face again before he could pull it over his eyes, as she tried, unsuccessfully, to get up off him while doing so.

“I can’t see-”

“It’s better that way!” Mao said urgently, trying to keep the shirt over his face with one hand, while getting up with the other. Her hand pressed on his chest as he tried to get up as well, and she let out a small yip at the accidental skin contact. It didn’t help that Jun was trying to get her shirt off his face and she had to keep sliding it in place before she could get off of him.

“Why do you keep doing that?” Jun asked behind the innocent looking Hello Kitty décor as he tried to pull it off again.

“Stop tryi-AHHH~!”

Before Mao could finish her sentence, Jun had grabbed both her wrists that kept pulling the shirt in his line of vision and Mao, in her panic, yanked her wrists away from him, only causing them to topple back onto the floor with Jun on top of her, and the shirt fell conveniently over her chest.

Mao and Jun’s eyes locked.

Mao watched as the realization dawned in his eyes as the bare skin of her thigh grazed against his waist in her feeble attempt to distance herself from under him. He took in the bra strap peeking out from behind the shirt and Mao’s frantic expression, and his mouth formed into a small ‘o.’


They both blushed a shade of bright crimson and Jun jumped off her and turned around quickly so he couldn’t see her just as Mao rolled away and ran to the protection of her room.

She slammed her door and locked it as if Jun would trapeze after her when she had been the one spying on him. Mao exhaled a deep breath before she slumped onto her floor in defeat, her hands moving to cover her face in humiliation.

“How embarrassing,” Mao murmured hopelessly, “I’m not even wearing sexy underwear.”

It was almost an hour later when Mao walked out of her room again. She decided she couldn’t hide from Jun forever, especially when it was technically her fault for oogling Jun’s body instead of paying attention to the fact she had only been wearing her undergarments. Mao was determined to give him a proper apology for the incident. So, ignoring her humiliation, Mao gathered her blanket and her overstuffed elephant stuffed animal in one arm, and with a deep breath she opened her door.

Jun was sitting on her couch playing with his cell phone…and wearing the Hello Kitty shirt. He looked up when he heard the door open.

“My shirt from the dryer smelled like the rain outside. Your shirt smelled better.” He explained when he saw her inquiring look. Mao had been so keen on running away from Jun she didn’t even notice she left the shirt. She cringed internally at the memory.


They were both quiet for a moment. Mao thought she saw Jun’s eyes flicker over her body briefly before he looked back at his phone- but the movement was too quick to be sure. Mao scratched her head a little with her free hand.

“Etto… is it hot?”

“Eh?” Jun asked, glancing back at her. “I feel fine.”

“Your cheeks are red,” Mao moved to where the air conditioning was and lowered the temperature a few degrees.

“Oh… ah, yes, ano, it’s hot, yes. Thank you.” He diverted his attention quickly back to his phone again.

Another long pause filled the room. Mao fingered the trunk of her elephant’s nose, absently. She was surprised Jun made no mention of her overly modest attire- unfashionable cotton pants and a shapeless too large sweatshirt she borrowed from Jun and never returned during one of their movie nights. Right now, Jun should be berating her on her lack of fashion sense.

“Ano,” Mao started, “listen…”

Jun shifted and sat up when he heard the sincerity in her tone, clicking his phone shut in the process to give Mao his utmost attention. Mao looked down at her elephant, suddenly finding it very interesting as she continued, “About… about earlier, I’m sorry for, ano, tackling you.”

“No,” Jun said quickly, “I should have knocked before I came in. That was rude of me.”

“No, I was careless and should have closed the door.”

“I should have kept the shirt over my head.” Jun insisted, standing up for emphasis.

Mao persisted, with equal fervor, “I should have explained why you should keep the shirt over your head-”

“Well… that’s true,” Jun said uncertainly, but Mao was still ranting,

“ -and if I wasn’t so distracted by you being shirtless then I’d be able to think, and we wouldn’t be in-”

Mao gasped and clapped her hands over her mouth- making her drop everything (blanket and overstuffed elephant) on the floor. Did I say that out loud!?

They stared at each other. Mao’s eyes wide while Jun furrowed an eyebrow as if he wasn’t quite sure she actually said what she just said.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Jun put his hand at the back of his head and looked away from her, a light pink on his cheeks.

Jun’s chuckle sounded forced. “Hah, hah, hah…Eh, you really know how to tease me.”

He- he thinks I’m joking? Mao thought in a rush of disbelief. She internally cheered at her luck.

“Ne, Mao-chan?” Jun was looking at her from the corners of his eyes and through the shag of his wet hair, effectively giving her the full affect of what fangirls only got to see in magazines.


Mao ignored the sudden urge to pounce on him, and poked him impishly on the shoulder instead, “I’ve got three years of practice during HanaDan, right?” she said, jokingly. Mao thanked all her acting skills for the ability to be so calm and collected.

Jun scratched the back of his neck with the hand at the back of his head, a gesture that looked irritated, but Mao knew it was because he was nervous and didn’t know what to do with his hands. Mao wasn’t sure why he was reacting this way though, usually he’d have a good come back, but instead he bent over to pick up the things she had dropped.

“Ah! It’s okay, I’ll do it!”

Mao quickly leaned over and in her rush, bumped her forehead against the back of Jun’s head.


They both got back up, and laughed nervously as they rubbed respective parts of their head.

“You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” Jun asked, eyeing her warily.


They both leaned over again, this time much more careful, as they picked up the two items.

“So, what’s all this for?” Jun said conversationally.

Mao picked up her elephant. “Oh, I’m sleeping out here tonight.”

“Eh?” Jun stopped his movements to look at her, “Then where am I sleeping?”

“My bed, of course.” She replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. She giggled at the expression that crossed his face. “You’re the guest!”

Jun took the elephant from her arms so he was carrying the sleeping comforts. “Which is exactly why I should be sleeping out here.”

Mao took the sleeping comforts from him in turn. “But I’m a hospitable person. You get the bed.”

Jun grabbed the items from her arms again. “But you’re the girl.”

Mao laughed and quickly pulled away the blanket and elephant. “I won’t break if I sleep on a couch.”

“Yes, but it’s your bed…”

Mao put the items down on the couch and put her hands on either side of his shoulders to lead him to her bedroom door,

“Okay, let’s make a deal then. Since you want to be such a gentleman, you could cook breakfast for us in the morning.”

Jun did an exaggerated roll of his eyes as he looked over his shoulder at the small woman pushing him to her room, trying very hard not to smile. “If you insist.”

“I do insist. Besides,” Mao continued, cheekily, “It’s a pleasure to let top idol Matsumoto Jun sleep on my bed. I won’t wash my sheets for weeks.”

Jun laughed. “That’s disgusting.”

She giggled. Mao let go of his shoulders when they stopped at the front of her open door. He turned around and faced her and Mao smiled at him. She poked the Hello Kitty on her pink shirt that he wore with her left hand.

“You should start endorsing Hello Kitty, my pink shirt doesn’t look bad on you.” She teased.

“And it’s nice to see where my sweatshirt went.” He fingered the cuffs of the sweatshirt that clothed her hand poking Hello Kitty.

They stayed like that for a moment, both touching without really touching.

“Ah, well…” Jun said, dropping his hand from her wrist and backing into her room.

Mao dropped her hand also. “Yes, it’s late. We should get to bed. Ano, you should get to bed, and I’ll be getting to my couch.”

They shared one last chuckle and Jun watched Mao walk to the couch before he closed the door.

It was about midnight when Inoue Mao walked out of the bathroom all freshened up from brushing her teeth, washing her face, and placing her contacts in contact solution. Her apartment was quiet save for her shuffling. Her eyes flickered briefly to the door of her room. The lights that lit the bottom crack of the door half an hour ago (probably due to Jun reading one of her manga before he went to sleep) were now off. She smiled to herself.

It was not until she was on the couch kicking out her blanket to fully cover her, did she realize she was missing something.

Her elephant may be overstuffed, but it never made for a good pillow.

She looked warily at the closed door of her room. The room that currently housed not only Jun but her numerous pillows.

I’ll just be super quiet… he won’t even notice I’m there.

Mao rolled off the couch and a few tip toes later she was at her bedroom door. She held her breath and turned the knob slowly to open the door.

What she saw almost blew her quiet cover. Mao covered her mouth with both hand to stifle her giggle and her need to squeal at the adorable view before her.

Jun was cuddled underneath her thick comforter that covered him up to mid shoulder, and her stuffed animals- all 25 of them- crowded around him to form some sort of stuffed teddy bear fortress. Mao wished she had a camera- the clash of cool and cute was priceless.

And with that thought, the image of Jun’s face when he flipped open his phone the next day surfaced into her mind. Mao grinned mischievously, and with pillow hunting forgotten, she turned on her heel to hurriedly get his phone he left in the living room with the intention of taking a picture of him sleeping on her bed and setting it as his wallpaper.

She got his phone and rushed quietly back into his room and flipped it open- the light of his mobile momentarily blinding her eyes in the dimness of the room.

When Mao could see again she nearly dropped the phone in shock.

There, as Jun’s wallpaper, was a picture of Mao holding up a peace sign.


Author's Note: Not nearly as pervy as the last chapter, eh? And not as bad as a cliffhanger this time. ^_^ Although... what's Jun doing with Mao as his wallpaper? *grins*
Find out in the last chapter of "I don't not love you!" ( <--- *gasps* That's right! Finally, we reach the final installment of this fic. Hopefully updated within next month, because the semester is over and I can focus on this story properly now, haha)
Thank you everyone for your never ending encouragement!

fictype: real life, fictype: fluff/romance, fanwork: fiction

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