the maotsujun fic anonymeme \(^___^)/

Mar 03, 2009 10:37

You have a nice prompt in mind but too shy to tell or write? Or are you a writer who wants to cross your usual boundaries but cringes in thought that your readers might be shocked with your writing? Or you just want more smut? XDDDD

Now it's the time to unleash the closet MaotsuJun fan in you.....

ebisu_midnights now present


04/01: CLOSED
All prompts requests after this will be deleted. However, if you still wish to fulfill the prompts, feel free to do so.
Once again to all readers and amazing writers, thank you very much ♥
The rules are just simple:

:: Anonymous posting is on, IP logging is off so you're assured no one will know who you are (unless you just forgot to use the anonymous posting option on the post comments thing, I can't help you on that) To post a comment anonymously, just click on More Options button and choose Anonymous when you post your prompt/ fic.

:: Now the genres and rating are quite varied in here. Fluff, romance, alternate universe, angst, smut.....Name it, you can request it here. Drabbles, one-shot or multi-chaptered series are accepted but make sure they can be finished in one month.

:: To request or post a prompt, please follow this format:
Other Characters you want to include in the fic:

:: To fullfill a request, just reply on the prompt and post the fic in there. To LJ newbies, it's the Reply to this option.

:: Love the fic? Comments are deeply appreciated. Just make sure they belong to the correct fic thread.

:: PIMP THIS TO THE WHOLE FANDOM. Want to request something or care to fulfill them? Then get those pens or fingers workin' and take the plunge. XDDDD

This challenge will be on for the whole month of March. You can also track this entry for more prompts and fic updates.

Now I'm totally excited. XDDDD

UPDATE: 5 + 2/16 PROMPTS FULFILLED. (+2 additional prompt responses c/o junbait] more please?!

fictype: angst, fictype: fluff/romance, fictype: alternate universe/crossover, fanwork: fiction, !fic challenge, !modpost, fictype: real life, fictype: smut

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