Title: Same Time Next Year [Part 1]
Author: maea_maie
Rating: Still unknown. It depends on how the story goes. *giggles*
Classification: 3 years after Hanadan Final.
Spoilers: A Lot of things could happen in just a day. What more in 3 years?
Warning: You might hate me after reading this because it’s more of an angsty fic. I also made Jun so impossible to deal with, but that kind of attitude is perhaps possible in Jun’s private moments. Who knows? He won’t show it in public could he?
If Falling In love could cause this much pain, then I don’t want to fall in love again.
But the hard truth in life is that love comes unexpectedly, whether you choose to like it or not. Like how those romantics and poets define Love for centuries, without a cause or a reason, you would just fall… effortlessly.
The harder part is that I know, with all my heart and soul that I could only love one person. Whether It would be the past, the present or the future, It would only be him and him alone.
And the most hardest and the most painful thing of them all? He’s the man that could not be taken. By me or by anyone at all. I’ll fight fate, destiny or whatever you call it. I know that I did the right thing and I refuse to be fazed.
This has never been about me. Everything that I’ve done up until now, I just did it for him.
It’s all for him.
My love is sacrificial.
I guess this is how true Love should be.
Disclaimer: I want to own them, but of course I can’t. isn’t that frustrating?
Note: The Maotsujun fic anonymeme is driving me insane! I already have the ideas but for some reason, I couldn’t just write it down even I bang my head countless of times at the table. LOL but this fic keeps on haunting me. When I’m in the toilet. when I go to sleep. While washing the dishes and even when I’m a having a verbal slashing competition with my brother. This have to be done I thought. And here it is. I Hope that I could write it in the way that I picture it to be. This is supposed to be a one shot. But this fic is too long for that so I have to put it into 2 or 3 parts.