further to
this post, i've been doing some more tidying up of my livejournal friends list.
i abandoned having lots of custom friend group filters (aside from the 'special content' five), and am posting personal writing simply as 'show this entry to... friends'. i'll likely continue to write public posts, which will be of wider interest, tho there haven't been so many of those recently.
i've likely removed you as a 'friend' if: you simply haven't written in an age; we haven't interacted here/elsewhere in an age; we're interacting elsewhere (online or offline) but not here; the connection between us (or the sense of you i have) isn't present/current/recent/obvious/clear/'close' enough (imo) for me to be having conversations with you about the things i'm currently writing and posting as 'friends only' here... or maybe some other reason that escapes me right now. it's not because i don't like you.
i'm more likely, atm, to maintain more friendly acquaintanceships in other media/places (e.g. facebook, IC, FL...), including in person at groups and events of mutual interest.
if i've removed you from my livejournal flist and you think you'd like back on (or i haven't, and you want off), get in touch.
if you'd like for us to connect in/stay in touch via another online space, let me know which and how to find you there.
hoping to maximise tidying and efficiency here, while minimising hurting anyones feelings.
nothing is static.