fic: home sweet home (ghtng, spencer/janessa)

Mar 28, 2009 14:49

Title: Home Sweet Home
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 73 - Head Over Heels
Pairing/Character(s): Spencer/Janessa, Nikolas, Elizabeth
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Any characters first appearing on GH do not belong to me. All original characters do.
Word Count: 2198
Spoilers/Warnings: Part of the Lanaverse.
Summary: Janessa wasn't the type of girl that he imagined anyone would want to give up. It surprised the hell out of him that he didn't want to give her up either.
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus.

Spencer waited impatiently at the gate.

He'd always thought that using a private plane was supposed to speed up the travel process, but customs was dragging in their interminable fashion.

It was a month before their wedding, and Janessa was finally moving to Port Charles. He'd wanted her there sooner, he'd wanted her to move back when he did, but her father wouldn't let her without a ring on her finger. He snorted. Even with a ring on her finger, the old man had found ways to delay. For someone that had used his daughter to institute a business merger, he sure as hell hadn't wanted to give her up.

Not that Spencer blamed him, really. Janessa wasn't the type of girl that he imagined anyone would want to give up.

It surprised the hell out of him that he didn't want to give her up either.

When he'd moved back to Port Charles, he hadn't expected to miss her so much. Somehow without him realizing it, she'd wormed her way into his life, and into his heart. Well, what was left of it. Most of it had been given away years ago, and he'd never really gotten it back. But Janessa, she was so pure, so innocent, so honest, that it was impossible to do anything but love her. So he did.

His motives for proposing might have been less than romantic ones every little girl dreams of, but when he'd done it, he'd vowed she'd never know the difference. That he'd be a good husband to her, that he'd be the best father he could be to their children.

Even if he was already having an affair.

He shook his head. He wouldn't think of Lila now. Not when Janessa could come bounding out of the gate and into his arms at any moment. He didn't want her homecoming tainted by who he was, his failures.

Janessa deserved better. And he was going to be better.

He looked down at his watch again, wondering what the hell was taking so long.

Suddenly the gate opened, and Janessa walked through, looking adorably traveled rumpled and weary. When she spotted him her face lit up, and she took off at a run, ignoring every rule of etiquette she'd ever been taught.

A wide grin broke out on his face. He was as anxious to see her as she apparently was to see him.

She threw herself into his arms, and he caught her, picking her up off her feet and spinning her around. She peppered kisses all over his face, murmuring how much she'd missed him, how happy to see him she was, between kisses.

He lowered her to her feet, framing her face with his hands, so that he could kiss her properly. He'd meant it to be a relatively chaste kiss, but Janessa clearly had other ideas, and it turned urgent, insistent, and was on the brink of spiraling out of control, when Janessa's parents reached them, having walked at a more sedate pace.

"Pardon me," Lord Hamilton said, amusement evident in his clipped British accented voice. "But I do think you'd better release my daughter, Cassadine."

Spencer released her, and she instantly buried her head in his chest. He knew she was blushing furiously. When they were alone, Janessa was an ardent lover, eager to give and receive pleasure, to learn, but when her parents were around she turned back into the schoolgirl that she practically was. "Good to see you, sir," Spencer said as formally as he could manage. "I'm happy that you've finally brought Janessa to me." He took her mother's hand and kissed her knuckles. "Lady Hamilton."

"You are a charmer, aren't you?" Lady Hamilton laughed. "It's easy to see why Janessa loses her head over you."

He smiled his most charming smile. "I do my best." He pried Janessa's head loose from his chest, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Shall we go?" he suggested. "I'll have your bags delivered, of course, but I think we'd all be more comfortable at my parents than standing around in an airport."

"Your parents?" Janessa asked, confusion written all over her pretty face. "Aren't we staying at a hotel?"

He shook his head as they began to walk. "You'll all be staying at my parents till the wedding," he said. "I'm afraid my father rather insisted. But it's an enormous house, you should be quite comfortable." He looked at his future father-in-law. "That is if it's alright with you, sir. I'm sure my father would be willing to make other arrangements at your request."

"Don't be ridiculous," Lord Hamilton answered. "I've seen that mausoleum your father calls a house. I'm sure it will be more than adequate."

"Good." They reached the exit, and found two cars waiting at the curb. "I hope you don't mind," Spencer said. "But I took the liberty of arranging for two vehicles." He squeezed Janessa's waist lightly. "I'm sure you understand that I want some time alone with her after so long."

"Well actually," Lord Hamilton began, but was cut off by his wife.

"Of course not, Spencer," she said, shooting her husband a warning glance. "We'll see you there."

"Wonderful." He nodded to the drivers, who instantly moved to help the women into the cars, closing the doors behind their passengers.

The moment the car started moving, Spencer tugged Janessa into his lap with a wicked grin. "Alone at last," he murmured huskily, pressing kisses along her neck.

She wound her arms around his neck, even as she protested, "Spencer, we really shouldn't, not here, not when we're going to see my parents again in just a few minutes..."

He hit a sensitive spot on her neck and she moaned. He grinned against her skin. "Are you sure about that?"

"Yes," she gasped.

"Fine," he pouted, lifting his head, but holding her tightly on his lap. "Didn't you miss me?"

"Miss you?" she repeated. She lifted a hand to his face, tracing lightly over the planes of it. "Every day, every hour, every minute." She smiled as seductively as she knew how. "And the moment we're actually alone, I'll show you how much."

He groaned, dragging her head down for a final bruising kiss. "I'm going to hold you to that," he warned.

"It'll be my pleasure," she assured him.

"Oh, I think it'll be mine," he whispered wickedly in her ear.


He laughed. "Oh, Janessa, I missed you."

"I'd certainly hope so," she said tartly. "Or this wedding might be rather a mistake, don't you think?"

The car stopped before he could answer, for which he gave mental thanks. The driver opened the door and helped Janessa out of the car and onto the docks where the launch was already waiting for them. They joined her parents and boarded, making idle conversation about their travels and the impracticality of living on an island as they crossed the river. They reached their destination quickly, and disembarked, taking the short walk to the main house.

Before they could knock, the butler, Giles, had the door open and they went inside to find Nikolas and Elizabeth waiting for them in the entrance hall.

Elizabeth was already moving forward to greet Janessa, arms outstretched. "Janessa, sweetheart," she said, drawing her into a warm hug. "I'm so glad you're finally here."

"So am I," Janessa said, hugging her back.

As she released her, Elizabeth shot her step-son a mischievous look. "Spencer has been an absolute bear the last few weeks. I think he's been anticipating your arrival as much as the rest of us have. More."

Spencer wrapped an arm around her shoulders and drew her over to his father. "Well, if you had a fiancé as beautiful as Janessa, I assure you you'd have been at least as anxious."

"True enough," Nikolas said, stepping forward to kiss Janessa's cheek. "Hello, my dear." He grabbed Elizabeth's elbow and turned her towards Janessa's parents. "May I introduce my wife, Elizabeth? I don't believe you've met before."

Lord Hamilton shook his head, taking Elizabeth's hand and shaking it firmly. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure, no."

"It's so nice to meet you," Elizabeth murmured, exchanging air kisses with Lady Hamilton. She stepped back, slipping into hostess mode. "Won't you all come into the front parlor? I'll have tea brought in."

Nikolas escorted the Hamilton's in, and Janessa was about to follow, when Spencer pulled her back, turning to Elizabeth and asking, "Mother, would you mind terribly if I absconded with Janessa? I'd like to show her the wedding present Father arranged for us." He gave her his most charming smile. "We'll be back in time for tea, I promise."

"I think that sounds like an excellent idea," Elizabeth agreed. She shot Spencer and Janessa a conspiratorial wink. "Besides, I'm sure you two are anxious for some time alone. I'll tell everyone where you've gone, don't worry."

Spencer smiled and bent to kiss her cheek. "Thank you, Mother." He began to tug Janessa down the corridor towards the back of the house.

"Oh, but Spencer?" Elizabeth called after him.

He turned his head. "Yes?"

"Do be back in time for tea. These are your future in-laws, you know."

"We will be," he promised, and then started walking faster, eager to get away before there were anymore interruptions.

"Spencer," Janessa laughed, struggling to keep up with him. "What's your hurry?"

They exited through the back doors, and he pushed her back lightly into the exterior wall, lowering his mouth to hers in a demanding kiss. When he raised his head, her eyes were fogged and she trembled against him. "That's my hurry," he murmured huskily, nipping at her lower lip.

She nodded shakily. "I see."

He laughed, kissing her again, then taking her hand and taking her into the gardens. "I do love you, Janessa."

She squeezed his hand. "I love you, too. Now where are you taking me?"

"You'll see," he said teasingly. "But for now I want you to close your eyes."

"What? No," she objected. "I won't be able to see where we're going."

"Which would be the point," he said patiently. He smiled winsomely at her. "Don't you trust me?"

She sighed. "Of course."

"Then close your eyes," he instructed. "I won't let you run into anything, I promise."

"Alright," she gave in. "I suppose it'll be good practice."

"Good practice?" he asked, innuendo laced through every word. "Why Janessa, I had no idea that..."

"Spencer!" she shrieked, blushing furiously. "You know that isn't at all what I meant."

"I do," he said regretfully. He took her hand again, guiding her through the gardens.

They walked for awhile, finally stopping in front of an obviously new house, though it had been built to mimic the style of Wyndemere. It was a large house, though much smaller than the main one, built of the same brick and stone.

Spencer eyed it with a fair amount of disdain. It had been his father's idea. It was supposed to afford the newlyweds privacy, to give them their own home, but Spencer knew that it was really just to keep an eye on him. To keep an eye on his investment. But just because he didn't like the house, would have rather something not on Spoon Island, didn't mean Janessa wouldn't like it.

He wrapped his arms around her from behind, bending low to whisper in her ear. "Open your eyes."

She gasped.

"Do you like it?" he murmured in her ear.

She twisted her neck so that she could look up at him. "Does that mean it's ours?"

He nodded. "It's our wedding gift from my father."

"Rather extravagant, don't you think?"

He shrugged. "My father doesn't do anything by half measures." He squeezed her waist gently. "But do you like it?"

"Of course I like it," she exclaimed. "It's beautiful." She turned to him with an eager expression on her face. "Can we go inside?"

He arched an eyebrow at her. "You don't want to wait and see it for the first time after we're married?"

She shook her head. "No, I want to see it now." She turned in his arms, grabbing onto his shirt front and tugging his head down. "Besides," she whispered against his lips, "I'd wager there's any number of beds waiting for us inside..."

He kissed her swiftly, then pulled her by the hand up the steps of the house. Without warning, he swept her up into his arms.

"Spencer!" she shrieked in laughter, winding her arms more securely around his neck. "What on earth are you doing?"

He grinned at her. "Carrying you across the threshold."

"You're supposed to do that after we're married," she pointed out as he struggled to open the door and not drop her.

He finally managed, carrying her through the open door, and then setting her lightly on her feet. "Ah, but I wanted to do it now." He smiled at her, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Welcome home, Janessa."

He bent his head to kiss her, and realized that he liked the sound of that.


fandom: gh the next generation, fandom: general hospital, couple: spencer cassadine/janessa hamilt, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus, couple: nikolas cassadine/elizabeth webb

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